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About NiceBass

  • Birthday 12/09/1990

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  1. Hey guys, just picked up a nice 12 foot Jon boat, and looking to paint it. I don't know the first thing about painting a boat, and hoping someone on here can help me out! First thing I need to know is what kind of primers, and paints I will be needing? I live near alot of paint/hardware stores, and hopefully can get all the supplies there.
  2. Yea I was delayed on pouring the past week cause of a burn I got on my hand because I forgot to put my glove on when stirring after the pour, it splashed up and put a pretty nice blister across my hand.. but today I got out the pots and started pouring, also tried out my new fluke mold from Del. When pouring always remember, your dealing with 350 degree melted plastic here, it will give you some pretty bad burns! Wear gloves when stirring!
  3. I am purchasing a used Jon boat in a couple weeks and the paint is looking a little.. weak. I want to give it a nice new paint job. Anybody know what kind of paint/primer/sealer I should use? Any tips or info greatly appreciated.
  4. Del-Mart or Bob's makes senkos almost identacle to yamamoto. I got 2 Del Stick molds that I've been using for a while, and you can't pour a bad lure with 'em! As far as saving money, in the long run you can probably save some money, but you will spend alot of money on all the molds, colors, glitter, salt, additives and such when first starting up. I've been pouring for only about 3 months now, and I know I have spent ALOT of money. But its a great hobby to have. These were poured in a Del senko mold.
  5. Wentout 2 days in a row now, probably go out a little later. Fishing the shore of the mississippi, tuesday i caught 11 smallies, yesturday 6 or 7. Here's a few pics from those days. (sorry the pics are bad, I had to take them holding the camera myself)
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