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About Bassfisher01

  • Birthday 10/23/1989

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  1. I usually fish in lakes because the river around me doesn't have bass I don't think. If I do fish the river it is for cats. ;D
  2. The regular fishermans knot works great for me
  3. At my cabin be don't have a boat yet so I fish off the bank and do pretty well usually. We are geting soon for this year and I can't wait to have for range in fishing the lakes and getting to places I can't reach on land. What do you do fish in a boat or off the bank or both? This topic is just to see what people like to do best not just for advice. [glb][/glb]Fish ON!!!
  4. I got pond I go to and I do have permission from the owner to put fish in it. The pond is about an acre and there is a 9-10 foot deep spot. There might be some catfish in there but I think I can get a few bubbies and fish them down quick. I want to put some Bass in there but I don't know. Please let me hear your thoughts. Thank you! Bass fishing is the best thing there is!!
  5. [glb]Does any one know of any Bass Clubs near Omaha, Ne or in the area around there. Thanks [/glb][glb][/glb]
  6. I got pond I go to and its about an acre and there is a 9-10 foot deep spot. I want to put some Bass in there but I don't know. Please let me hear your thoughts. Thank you! Bass fishing is the best thing there is!!
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