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Everything posted by BuzzMan

  1. +1, The rods strength or action gets the fish out of cover. I like 6.1:1 to take up any slack line on the hookset and to get bait back ASAP for the next pitch/flip.
  2. Good pic!! Shaw is a great guy, meet him a few years ago at BPS. Very honest and aproachable.
  3. I use the Chug Bug all the time one of my favs. Latly been use the LC Sammy alot. Need to get back to Bugging!! I have read a lot about the Black Jitterbug for night fishing,,I have fished 5 night tourney over the last few years and have yet to get a strike on. I will keep trying thou.
  4. EBay, type in Shimano Curado. That is were I bought 2 brand new ones when they stopped making them. I doubt you can find a new one now but they have used ones on all the time.
  5. I'm looking for a spinning rod to go with a Shimano Stradic('07) it will be used for Senko's & Shakey heads. Of the 2 rods which is a better? They are on sale at BPS this weekend. What length and action would the forum recommend?
  6. I like the Baby also but try the 1 minus, the big one it works GREAT. Also modifey a Red Fin, those work will. Just heat up the lip on the Red Fin just a little and bend it down with pliers. It works!!
  7. The casting deck is 1 inch treated wood with 1 2by4 across with bottom covered in carpet. It set on the lip where the chairs are fitted on. You can't break it unless you burn it. With the battery in the back of the boat and tackle with me standing weighting 185lb at the time(170 now I lost weight ;D) it is every stable. I bought the boat from me friend that weight 210+ and he stood on it. I also jumped up and down on it when I lost a fish or got ticked about something. Nice boat Harshmen, I looked at those before I got my Buster. I couldn't flip or pitch out of the Pelican's. The Buster has lower side, the casting deck brings you up 6-8 inches so it make flipping easier.
  8. Dman,,Durable, I hit a few stumps when I had the 5hp on it, just left a few scracth marks, NO puncture or crack to the hull. Storage,,If you get the casting deck, you will have under storage below it. I put my anchor, ropes, plug retreiver & boat papers there. If you got the live well & cooler when not in use they are deep for storage. Launch,,Every easy, I did it by myself all the time. When lakes are to low for big boats you will be fishing!! My wife is very big 120lb and she unlaod & load by herself when her and my daughter went out. Jon boats,,Differenece between the 2. You will not feel like you are riding in a beer can. If you put your foot down hard in a jon boat it feels like it may go thru the bottom. In the Bust you can jump up and down and barly rock the boat. I just fely more satble in it then a jon boat!! NO RIVIOTS that will leak!! You can not sink the "buster brand" boat, try it!! Seal,,I had my boat 15 years used it 3-4 times a week 8 months a year, hit logs, bumped trees, scrapped rocks & docks and no seal broke on my boat. Look it were the boat is put together, the only way it comes apart is if you do it!! Things I miss about the Buster since I got my big boat....Wife will not pull big boat. I lost 2-3 lakes in my area that I can't get a big boat in. No Gas needed!! No maintence!! Easy of getting a quick trip out fishing. You are doing the right thing about going non-boater, I did that for 4 years before I got my big boat. Learn from your boaters on how they no threirs boats.
  9. I have a 1990 fiberglass Champion boat. I have no idea if/when was the last time it has been waxed. What brand/kind should I get? I have a bottle of Bass Boat Saver, I have heard great things this stuff. I will use it all the time after I wax the boat. It does have a few scracth on the boat hull & a little oxidation!!
  10. Dman, I had 1 for 15 years it was the Deluxe Series with a casting deck. I just sold it this past August when I bought my first big bass boat. I wish I still had it!!! I had a 36lb MinnKota and have at 1 time put a 5 hp braggs & straton, it had no problems hold that motor. You couldn't run the 5hp wide opened but I used it to travel to different places on bigger lakes. I also had the trailer they offer with the buster boats, good trailer!! I did add a fish finder and the rudder the offer. The rudder is a must with any smaller scamp type boat, it helps with the wind and steering the boat staright. I always stood up on the casting deack when I fished, very stable boat. The cooler is good and the livewell works great. I bought my boat 1 year used in 1992 and when I sold it it looked the same as it did in 92, the plastic doen't fade. The seats are great, the wife never complained about them. I would have guys come up to me when I was out fishinf just to look at it because I was standing and they couldn't very well in their scamps. Big boats would be shocked when I pulled up in place where a normal scamp would need 3-4 batteies to get there when I had the 5hp on it. Go for it, you will not be sorry. Any question let me know!!
  11. Thanks everyone!! What is this about hurting your rod & reel?? It will be on a baitcaster. Leader question?? If I did use a Flo-Carbon leader,,,,Is Flo-Carbon strong then regular mono?? EXP; Is 12lb FloCar as strong as 20lb mono?
  12. This is the BPS Spring Classic, Good deals,,,Yes, on certain things. They do have reels, rods & combos at pretty good prices, just depends on what you are looking for!! Every store will have they sale, some will have manfacrry reps with booths set up to look at their products, some stores will have Pros. If you are getting started in fish this show is a must, it will hook you for life!! I make the a 2 hour drive every year.
  13. I'm going to try braid line for the first time, I bought Power Pro 30 lb. I'm going to try it on one of my Jig rods only just to see if I like it or not. I will use this set up for mainly fish wood cover!! I have a few quetions for those that use it or tried it. I have Lo-Vis Green, Will it be hard for me to see my line on the water? Watching for strikes!! Do I need a Flo-Carbon leader?? If so,what pound test line?? Reel Backing,,,,I will tie this to 17lb XT,,,Will this be okay?? Anything else I should know??
  14. FishTank, Where are you finding the old Stradic for $79.99? Thanks. I have 2 of the old ones and would like to get a couple more, I see no reason for the way I fish to change to the newer one.
  15. Does anyone know the brand of hook that comes on there crankbaits or topwaters? I really like them. Thanks.
  16. JigMan, Yes, it is a Fulton jack............Do you have a phone number for Fulton?
  17. I recently purchased a boat, it will be stored in a garage with no AC but it is dry. It will have to stay there until I can get a garage built at my house, this maybe a year. The tackle will be in the boat lockers. My question is?? Is it bad for my fishing tackle to be exposed to this temps?? Also when winter rolls around it well be cold in there. What about my rods & reels also should they be exposed to this temps?? Thanks, Buzz
  18. I think I need a new trailer jack, it is locked up and will not crank up or down!! I have lubed it and it still won't turn. I have check to see if something was stuck around the staff but there isn't. It worked just fine Wednesday night just turned a little hard but last night I couldn't get it to turn at all. If I replace the jack what pound jack should I get?? BPS has a 1000lb on sale for the price of a 800lb. My jack has a circle that is attached to a side plate on the trailer, the jack roates on the circle. Are they all(the circle) the same size? It is a Champion trailer.
  19. WOW Thanks guys for all the help!! I'm going to need a bigger boat to put all this stuff in. ;D Keep them coming I'm making a list. There is a lot of things I wouldn't of thought of here.
  20. Okay guys fill my boat??? What are the must have that every bass boat should have?? I already have a replacement TM prop w/ pin, extra plug, life jackets & tackle....What else do I need.
  21. Thanks Guys!! I fished non-boater in my bass club for 4 years and have ridden in quite a few different brands & sizes of boats. I'm not knocking anyone's boat but the ride always seem a little smoother in Champion boats. This was one of the factors why I wanted a Champ.
  22. This is my first big Bass boat, 18 Ft CHAMP w 150 Yah
  23. Thanks for the tips guys!! The test run went very will, we were out for 2.5 hrs and also got to do a little fishing in it. The TM is brand(2007 in Apr.) new Minn Kota Max. 70 pond. it moved the boat very well. All electronics lights, horn, fish finder, live well check out and are in working order. Motor 150 Yah. with 3 blade prop.....With 3 people in the boat we got up to 57 mph, it felt like it could of gone a little faster but my wife us screaming ;D at me to slow down!! I was really impressed at the hole shot the boat would do. It also came with a boat & motor cover. Trailer, all lights working and bearings were just pack in March 2007 and they have Bearing Buddys on them. Trailer did have a few small rust stops but nothing major. I bought it Saturday for $5200. This is my first big boat and I hope to have a lot of good times with it!! I will post pics later and when I figure out how to do it!!
  24. Thanks, How do I run a compression check?? This is all new to me becoming a owner, I usually fish non-boater. Cart7, Yes, that is what it is 184 with a 150hp. What do you mean by "upgradeable"?
  25. I'm looking at buying my first big bass boat, 1992 Champion, 18 foot w/ a 150hp Yamaha. The seller is taking me for a test ride today, he is asking $6000 The boat has a brand new 2007 Motor Guide TM, new starting battery for the big motor, the carpet & seat look very good, also has 2 fish finders. He is the 2nd owner of the boat. What are some of the things I should look/check it make sure the boat is sound?
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