Both are great. Don't judge Tenoroc too harsh because someone went and didn't do any good with a front coming through. I've never fished Stick Marsh, but I've fish a pit next to it and done quite well. To fish it... you cannot use a motor of any type or even have one on your boat! Trolling motors will get you a big fat fine! Fish Hook would be off my list as a Tenoroc Lk simply because you can't fish it right now without a Jon boat. The ramp is too far out of the water due to the drought and the ramp is closed. Lk A, Lk B, Lk 4, Lk 5... any of these lakes usually produce well and a 17 lb Bass was shocked out of Lk B some years back. They used to have a picture of a Game Warden holding the fish posted at Phillips Bait and Tackle out by Saddle Creek. Saddle Creek is also another good option. Any of these places are good Bass lakes, but even if you go to Stick Marsh... no one can guarantee that you will smoke the Bass! There are just too many variables to contend with on any given day