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Everything posted by JayW

  1. Those are some healthy looking fish!
  2. I was expecting a punch line, but instead ended up reading your crap post! You know... maybe if you'd turn off the computer, you might be able to get some sleep? I have some nights where I won't drift off until 1-2 am, but not too often. I hate when that happens! I know some people who are asleep before they even lay down! :-/
  3. JayW

    300,000 Miles

    Well, I had almost 260,000 miles on a old 1988 F-350 with a 460 big block before we got rid of it. It's still running for the new owner.
  4. I have used several other brands, but I always prefer Flexcoat for my personal rods. It's real easy to use! I always flash everything with a alcohol lamp, but just flash it real quick. I get a bubble free coat that way.
  5. Thanks Chris! I'm kinda fond of the frogs myself. I've had a fascination with Bull Frogs since I was a little kid. Not quite sure why though. :-?
  6. I do a little amateur photography myself. Chris, your pics look great!
  7. Nice! I'm not even sure if there were any Peacocks in South Florida when I was down there back in '92 and '93. :-[
  8. Son of a............................ That's some really sick stuff!
  9. Now I'm curious... what are you guys talking about and where is this old lady pic? ;D *EDIT* I just found it! That's some nasty stuff!
  10. WoW!!!!
  11. Ever try their Ultimate Subs? I love those things! 8-)
  12. I was thinking this was going to be really dumb, but it turned out to be a pretty smart critter to learn all of that! Better not let Michael Jackson see that seal. He'll be wanting it for his collection right along side "Bubbles".
  13. Someone needs to get out more! ;D
  14. Got a question... what's the biggest Gator you've found in the wild down here? I've seen a few that I think would fall into the dinosaur category! I saw one in a private pit one time that looked to be 15-16 ft long! He was a monster!
  15. Very nice! 8-)
  16. Wow! Kinda skinny for a 26" Bass, but a beautiful fish none the less! She should definitely be proud of that one!
  17. Those are blow holes.
  18. Those are some nice looking fish!
  19. Our lakes are ice free too!
  20. Most people call them "Mudfish" here in Central Florida. I don't care too much for them. They are hard on lures, slimey and just down right mean!
  21. You might end up with one of these Fish Hook Lk trophies! They too seem to love dollar weeds! :-/
  22. Hopefully next year I can take you to Tenoroc if you want to try it and can make it down on the right days (Fri-Mon). I do have some secrets about Tenoroc... that's all I'm saying! And yes... that is an official Jay's Custom Rods. ;D Here's a nice little 27" Fish Hook Lk Bass!
  23. I think that name sounds just fine. Unless you're going to start selling them, don't worry about what you call them. If these are just your personal rods, I wouldn't think twice about using that name.
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