Please let us know how old the rod is, how you broke it, and report on your experience with getting a replacement. This will be helpful info for future threads...
The first year of the Helium, in '04, Kistler used a Rainshadow blank. It was a good blank, and several custom rod builders also used the Rainshadow blanks. In '05, Kistler struck up a deal with Batson, and started using their components exclusively...blanks, guides, and reel seats. I've read quite a few posts about fitament issues with the Batson reel seats over the past 2 years, but I read that Kistler recently made the switch to Fuji. I owned two of the graphite plus series for a week, and have held and played around with the Helium and LTX II several times, but have not fished with them. I didn't like one thing about my graphite plus series, which I thought were tip-heavy and had the look and feel of a $60 or $70 rod, but the Helium users are a pretty loyal following. I'd just weigh all your options before you decide.
I'm always amazed how that a high dollar rod can be built with such cheap components and blanks. Rainshadow blanks are ok, but nothing compared to the $$$ they wants for the Kistlers. The Batson stuff is junk! Hopefully they have made the switch to Fuji. I wouldn't have anything but Fuji components on a rod. Batson components are CHEAP! I build rods and Kistler must have been making a killing on their rods using Rainshadow blanks and Batson guides and reel seats!