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Everything posted by fishhugger

  1. i got the shingles vaccines. two of them. i think the new one is better than the older ones... shingles is no fun..........
  2. you can photograph each step, which is easy with a digital camera. work in a clean area so you don't lose parts. i like disassembling it 'just enough.' meaning, some reels you may not have to completely disassemble, and are able to get to most of the parts. that might be enough to get the reel running fine. for reels that need more work than you feel comfortable doing - i guess send it to a shop. but then other guys are just super obsessive and need to take their reels apart and be really thorough. i guess that's the almost-love-your-reel-to-death club.
  3. yup............. i'm 68.....
  4. where i fish, if i DON"T catch anything and i only fished for 1 1/2 hours, i consider it 'normal.' you hooked onto 7 in 1 1/2 hours? yeah, i guess you simply need to fish longer per trip --- which i assume you do on occasion. and i assume you'll be catching larger bass in the next couple years, simply due to more experience....
  5. reeks that these rowers are so ----------- bull headed would be one word. i think you may have to just not be there when they are........... a maniac screaming at them via a bull horn is a messed up situation.
  6. is a seed tick basically a baby tick? idk the technical term... a young tick. i'm apparently not nearly as tuff as you............. swimming across with your fishing pole kept outa the water reminded me of the surfing scene in apocalypse now.............
  7. um.......... i don't switch to lures other guys is using..... even if they're outfishing me. i enjoy my lures, frankly, and they may be using a technique i reek at, etc. but guys i run into and sort of no --- we'll share what we're doing and info, generally. it's a chance to gossip! but when i used to go mushroom hunting ==== no, i'd have some 'secret spots.' i wouldn't share them with anyone, or i'd have to, u no, uh.... that person might 'disappear' lol. i felt mushroom hunting was more secretive than fishing.
  8. that's a gr8 scene........ i see it more as a jump to innovation... he sees what everyone else sees, but he simply sees more, and transfers it to other situations that others just can't. they don't have that brain that can just jump to things. i guess fishermen do this too when they do something totally against the grain, when others just do what everyone else is doing. but this isn't as dramatic as what the crowe character did in the movie. he did a huge leap, imho
  9. i'm not that gr8 a basser........... so i just go fishing in the evening, or sometimes early morning. i skip the rest of the day thing. my understanding is lmb are strongly - is the word diurnal??? so i simply try to bet when the chips are typically hot, so to speak. dusk and early morn. you could change the time of day you fish, in addition to changing location...
  10. i get the impression that lotsa guys fish lots of techniques, using quite a few rods. i guess they do this to try to figure out what the bass are taking that day, which i guess can change from day to day, or hour to hour. me, i don't like lots of choices, and so i fish more like you guys in this thread might --- less equipment and stuff. i think maybe if i were better at slow techniques, like neds or slow fishing a texas rig, etc --- i'd do them more. but since i'm not very patient by nature, i really dislike fishing them. uh, to get back to your op ---- i guess you might increase your baits by one..... but you're already using three....
  11. deschutes is my go to also......... actually, one of the few i notice. any recommendations for the bourbon barrel aged??? i never heard of those. i used to like guinness....... as i recall, it was fairly sweet, and really good. yeah, around here, everyone LOVES ipa's.... uh, but me. @Rockhopperi will wait with held breath for my ideal candy beer - uh, since you['re talking about candy beers???? ...... jelly bean beer........ wow. is it like the vapes that are all candy now.....
  12. uh, so what is more expensive, golfing or chasing the lmb? i assumed that shanking a ball into a water hazard was not that common.... but never played the game.
  13. i ain't never heard of no golf ball retriever........... how many golf balls would a guy have to plunk to make that thing worthwhile? unless it's stationed permanently at the pond..... looks like a great find. i love thrift store finds. it's like free money.
  14. that makes total sense....fish around docks are used to certain LOUD noises, etc.. but when i'm on a quiet pond, my bait plopping in the water just seems so different from any other noise around. it just seems like a 'danger' sound. kids cannon balling into the water.... nuisance sound, maybe. swimmers - who cares sound. skipping a bait? few people do that, so i consider that not a danger sound. unless lots of people are skipping. then maybe it's a danger sound. but i don't hear (no pun intended) many people voicing concern over this. i try to just not plop my bait right where i think the fish are. maybe i'm paranoid
  15. i think i would worry that the charging unit, which is acting funky, might screw up my battery......... or i guess potentially cause a fire re: battery, if it's a lithium battery in particular
  16. i'm mediocre at skipping, which i do with a spinning rod. but i skip to avoid ending up in trees. it definitely works --- i guess if the branches are super low hanging, that might be an issue. i think if you are good at getting your bait to hit the water where you want, it'd be the technique to use with low overhanging branches, tho. anyone else feel that skipping makes a more attractive sound to the fish, like "dinner bell!" vs just plopping your bait in the water? which might be more like "ok, there's this fisherman trying to get us..."
  17. sorry to hear about your mom's addiction to smokes... i saw a woman at my studio hand rolling a cigarette.... she admitted to her two vices - smokes and coffee. but she was rolling a cute, but really thin cigarette. still totally undecided about trying a pipe........
  18. it's more expensive...... but i think worth it. lagavulin 16 yo. i've never been a laphroiag fan. the taste dissipates super fast for my palate. lagavulin is more intense, but smooth and incredible. imho
  19. @TnRiver46 yup.... glad ya quit, w cancer lurking around in general... cute cabin. @Choporoz yes... i wondered, i guess, if pipes would be cheaper than cigars. i guess you have an outlay for the 'equipment' (pipe), but the tobacco is just tobacco. a cigar there'd be more steps in the making of one, esp a good one, and you'd pay for that each time. i guess i need to relax, and maybe i'll try pipes... i love the smell of coffee.... can't drink that due to caffeine.... whiskey, i can indulge in that.... but a pipe.......the smell of really good tobacco would be appealing...... hmmm.......... seems like pipe smokers sort of like the ritual and all of a nice smoke occasionally........
  20. for some bizarre reason, i've been watching youtube videos on pipe smoking. my dad's generation - many smoked cigars, pipes, and of course, ciggies. we're talking 1950's. but now, cigars are mildly in, sort of, ciggies are looked down on, and i never run across an actual pipe smoker. are they all hiding? and what is the pleasure in it? here's some old guy who apparently indulged... am i pretty dumb to be looking into a habit involving tobacco...... it's supposed to be very relaxing, or so the youtubers say, and a wonderful experience. i wouldn't be interested in cigarettes due to negative health effects. but, pipe smoking seems different, i guess less habit forming.....
  21. i actually don't no that much about hedy lamarr the actress... but, yes, her backstory... she was a genius. i know she designed some sort of frequency hopping signal.... i forget exactly why, but think it had to do with world war 2? but then i think the same theory is used in today's cell phones, when they're changing frequencies (or something) so they're more efficient....
  22. it's bigger than him, and nice catch! fishing before or after church sounds terrif. when i go fish for a short period, i try to just keep it simple and fun, and i don't have to catch a fish to have a good time. and it really helps that the lake i fish is very beautiful and quiet........... if only the darn otter would keep away. i don't like that guy.
  23. i live in california. no such thing as a lonesome lake.......... just wishful thinkin'.............. man, i wish it were different. but i'm older now, so it's definitely harder for me to get out to some lonesome lake, plus my new (to me) car ---- no spare tire! wow........ many cars nowadays do not have spares, even mid sized ones. crazy, i say. here's marlena to go along with greta..... and she's in uniform......
  24. no way i'd bother with the sharpie trick. who ya gonna listen to, me or roland martin? but........... i figure it's a detail thing... like, details matter, and to mr martin, i guess it sure did.
  25. not in fishing. i'm not nearly good enough, not by a long shot. i'll have spots where i think bass or fish may be, but that's not intuition. that is a combination of guessing and logic. intuition is different. i think it's when you do something you just know it's right, but you can't really explain it. yeah, it's your gut instinct, etc. it just feels right, and u no it. you're in the zone.
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