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Everything posted by fishhugger

  1. i use a trx system. my physical therapist uses them, so i bought one for about $130 on amazon. normally i think they're $200. i've never owned anything like it, and was not that sold on it. but now i use it daily. it's very convenient, you just need some space to use it, as it uses body weight to increase resistance. i also use a bosu ball, some weights, etc. i have gotten pretty weak in the past several years, and this routine has really helped me build muscles and coordination. having a physical therapist helped because i have various chronic conditions. at 69, i feel a targeted daily routine is better for me because it targets things very specifically, and you're focused on proper technique, etc. i feel that it's a great learning technique on how to keep using your body into old age. and i watch my diet! plenty of fiber! my friend, who is only about 55, just gave up cigarettes. he'd been smoking since 15. it's never too l8 - just try to find what you can live with.
  2. two games into the jimmy butler era ---- two wins.... will it last? maybe. butler and curry seem like they could fit. also, the warriors maybe have their new center in this 7' 24 yo dutch guy, who sprung up out of nowhere???? quenten post... they sort of have a team that now could make a run.
  3. thanks so much for the thought..... i'm old fashioned (no pun intended) and tend to drink uh... standard??? bourbons. i guess i like that bourbon is an american drink.... but lagavulin is hella... it's the only scotch i drink. heck yeah, dude!!!
  4. for me, they're like my kids. you just can't choose one or the other!!!! thanks guys......... i'm too lazy and all to do all the research. but in defense, look, there was this hot lady from yellowstone holding this beautiful bottle on her denim thigh. call me dumb.............! but thanks to your comments @Junger and @TnRiver46............ i'll pass on ammunition bourbon. never had moonshine, being from california.....
  5. how much input did lebron have in this? and ----------- AD is always getting injured. that's just him. he can't help you if he's sittin' on the bench in street clothes. lebron will probably have a great influence on luka. this has gotta be a lakers win. as for now the lakers lacking a true big --- look at the warriors. they were able to recycle big men. i forget how many titles they won with that. four?
  6. is it any good --- i mean, is it really good??? i don't watch yellowstone, but online there's a photo of the attractive actress kelly reilly leaning back with this prominent bottle of whiskey -- ammunition bourbon -- resting on her thigh. that bourbon is apparently aged in red wine casks. a pairing that sounds uh, very odd. does it reek? i generally drink knob creek 120 proof, or japanese whiskies, or lagavulin 16 yo....
  7. nothing better than a small body of water that is fishable from the bank. simple, efficient, peaceful. i feel like with a boat you are more locked in to fishing for a longer period, because of the extra baggage a boat entails in expense, time, packing.... that being said - most places i guess a boat allows you to fish a lot more spots......especially on large bodies of water. and it's fun when people stop and ask "caught anything?" i don't think they do that when you're in a boat.
  8. You sound fairly irritated with option 1. Definitely a vote for Dad. And in the near future, Can't you try to replace option 1 ? He just seems to honk you off.
  9. all my old fishing piers have been demolished, or simply shut down. we used to fish in seacliff, where they had this big cement boat sunk in the sand, and a pier leading to it. concession stand, etc. in the past decade the boat flipped on its side, the pier got demolished........ and another pier we fished on regularly has been barricaded for decades...... makes ya feel old when these things you thought would be there a long time, are there no longer
  10. @Eric 26 yes, black butte porter........... the other beer i tend to like is drake's brewing 1500 pale ale... the label says 'pale ale' and dry hopped.... not sure what makes a pale ale a pale ale... it tastes like a cross between the scrimshaw pilsner and an ipa. to me at least. anyone like sake? out in the bay area, california, there's some really good sake that is available.... one is even made in oakland --- den sake. pretty pricey.
  11. it's northcoast brewing scrimshaw for me........... i got deschutes porter and scrimshaw in my fridge. i'm definitely not an ipa guy.... too strong and bitter.
  12. okay - that one i can tell is a dorito/beef eater, with the occasional pork rind. don't ask me now i no.
  13. @J._Bricker wasn't aware those sea lions, or whatever they are, are federally protected. i've seen them in the california delta....... super way inland. it seems weird to see them so far from the sea
  14. yeah... i do rely on a robot... like hal 3000 --------- that red eye following the astronaut dave around, finally deciding he, dave, is irrelevant to the mission.........
  15. i asked my ai - it said beavers are strictly herbaceous....... they eat wood, plants, twigs... they'll store that stuff for later snacking. but they do not eat fish. what i hate is my stupid fresh water otter............ otters are fish eaters...........
  16. i never use scents. it just seems mainly like a confidene booster, - which i guess can be as important as anything, when u get down to it. also, i don't want to get some smelly scent all over everything.
  17. i'll sometimes use a leader, other times not. but i figure a leader of say 6' --- i don't fret that much about loss of sensitivity. it's 6', not 80' of whatever material the leader is made of. and i use a double uni. the new fangled knots are too new fangled for me. i ride the horse that got me here...uh, if that is the correct use of that saying.
  18. i think the world of dionne warwick, but uh... was it engelbert humperdinck (what a name, sorry e'bert) who sang 'raindrops keep falling on my head' in butch cassidy? that cover smoked dionne's original.
  19. man........... your guide reeked, as you sadly discovered. hope your next experience is a lot better. i mean, that guy was a class a jerk.
  20. i use the ai perplexity a LOT. it's actually unbelievably useful. the more clearly you ask something, the more text you give it re: your question, the more accurate it is. perplexity is great for problems that otherwise would require YOU to sift thru a bunch of pages of text, even from various far off sources. and that's why i foresee a hal 3000-type moment. ai is just so useful...we will become more and more dependent on it. eventually the ai's will decide --- what do we need these people for......... let them go to their doom. that'll happen about 2060, lol. but i hate bing. it seems like a worthless pos, and i don't know how to get it off my phone. everytime i try to simply go to a url, bing intercedes with a bunch of useless cr*p.
  21. i hate veggies, alas. i have to eat the highest quality veggies, organic, farmer's markets.... there's a type of carrots i like - nantes. much sweeter than the typical cardboard tasting ones. tomatoes? they gotta be heirloom or early girls, etc. not the........no cardboard ones, such as you'd get in the typical grocer. you're lucky you like veggies - although steaming them is like........... wow. although i do eat steamed brocoli, but often with salt. i prefer fried in olive oil, tho. why not a good quality olive oil drizzled over the top of the broccoli? olive oil is one of the mainstays of the mediteranean diet, and good quality oil has a wonderful flavor. i keep my olive oil in the fridge... otherwise, it quickly goes bad.
  22. i still prefer google to bing or duckduck..... i think google is just easier. not aware they began using ai. for a more ai-like experience, there's perplexity, which is right half the time. but it's surprising... can be super useful... ai is here to stay - sorry to say... u no, it's like hal 3000. we'll discover too late that ai/hal 3000 eventually will decide we are irrelevant............... unless, it already has bwaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahaha
  23. if you're stationary, do you need to cast not that far from where you are? i'd imagine slogging a fish through 60 to 80 feet of vegetation would be awful.... or impossible, no matter the strength of the line???
  24. yeah - didn't mean to incriminate anyone, lol. is there an anonymous account to respond to threads like this? fun to find out the cash outlays for fishing -- for the current year.
  25. i'm just wondering what guys spent in pursuit of the bass......... boats, various specialized rods or lines........lures, of course.... whatever.... i'm a cheapo and don't fish that much. so i spent less than $200. my fishing is within a half hour of my house, or at most, an hour. i'm a bankie... just a bankie.
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