Cold Water Bass behavior.
Went to Nickajack Sunday and worked for strikes. Water clarity was excellent but the fishing was not. Could not buy a bite for a couple hours and could not find baitfish. Water temp 56 deg. Finally decided to call it a day and go by the boat slips to catch Shad for my pond as there are always schools of Shad around the covered slips. First school I found using the Livescope showed Bass hovering below the school. Caught four small ones on a mini-jerkbait. This was the only thing they would bite. Only took two cast net tosses to fill the 55 gallon plastic barrel with a couple hundred 2-3" Shad. What was fun, besides just catching the Shad, was I also caught a largemouth! second time I've caught a largie with the castnet in the shallow water. I threw the dummie back and raced to the ramp for the hour and ten minute drive home. With the barrel filled three quarters, and the max bubbles aeration going, the Shad were in surprisingly good shape when I pulled up to the pond. With the cold nights, my pond water is in the forties. Usually when I start releasing Shad or other types of bait fish into the pond, there is an immediate reaction from the occupants. This time, however, the residents were very slow to react. The ones that were curious seemed, at first, not the least interested in the offered buffet. Slowly the instinct took over and the weak swimmers were consumed, not by the sudden, missile like strikes, but by slowly easing up to the Shad and a quick inhalation. I did have the pleasure of witnessing the stronger Shad forming a school of perhaps fifty or so over the deepest part of the pond.
My conclusion was once the water gets good and cold, there is a definite effect on the movements and appetites of Largemouth. At least from what I can observe.
Back to Nickajack.....I think it was Buck Perry who wrote, (You may find baitfish with no Bass, but you will never find Bass with no baitfish.)
This was true yesterday. The Bass were under the balls of Shad and showed up clearly on the FFS. Just couldn't get them to bite.
Next trip, I'm headed for the boat slips!