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Blue Raider Bob

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Everything posted by Blue Raider Bob

  1. I look forward as well. Thank you for the offer and it is never far from my mind. Maybe life will let it happen sooner than later. I'm really pumped about taters and sausages! Oh, the fish as well!
  2. Air temp 28 deg. Today. Water temp in lower forties. Amazingly, (to me), the water lilies continue to push out new growth. The surface leaves are still alive and the submerged leaves are reaching for the surface. Had no idea these plants could flourish in such a cold environment. Pickerel Rush are dead at the surface but green growth is evident at soil line. Can't wait for spring to observe how these and other water plants react to the changing seasons.
  3. Nobody thinks you're hijacking a thread. Your story is what we crave as anglers. We rise and fall with each other. You're success encourages anglers like myself that struggle to catch a 3 pounder. I know that sooner or later, a larger fish will strike my offering because Alex, Pat, A-Jay, Team9, Katie, and countless others have taught me so! I will borrow you're techniques, lures, and persistence, and I will succeed!
  4. What did you catch her on? The bait monkey really wants to know!
  5. Those are not small! This is small!
  6. I've got an emergency bag with clothes but I was too wet/frozen to put them on. By the time I thawed out, I was almost home, but yes, definitely keep extra clothes in truck. Thanks
  7. A-Jay, I'm counting twelve new Bantam casting reels! Don't know which bank you robbed, but I hope it wasn't the one my moneys in! Can I assume that the twelve reels also got matching rods? Well done!
  8. Cabin fever was crushing me yesterday so I hooked up and headed for the nearest body of water which happens to be East Fork Stones River, The headwaters of Percy Priest Lake. Air temp 39 deg. and plummeting with gusty winds. What was I thinking? Absentmindedly I unhooked my trailer rope, backed in, got out of truck to watch my boat float off the trailer with no rope! Two choices......go home and shop new boat, or,........well I choose 2nd option. Caught boat waist deep and pulled to bank. Water was very, very, cold. parked truck, hopped in boat and trolled out to river channel. The water was murky after recent rains so I decided to catch a few Shad for the pond and go home. Since I stink so badly with a cast net, it took forever and frozen fingers to get twenty. I pancake one out of thirty casts. With numb fingers, the ratio was worse. Amazingly, I wasn't the only nutcase out there. There were at least six other boats! Every time one would zoom by, the Shad schools would scatter and I would say bad words. It got me thinking, Is this an addiction, disease, or just good honest sport? Do I have something eating away at my remaining intact brain cells? Well, then paranoia set in 🙂. The bait monkey is eating my brain! When my fingers were hurting more than I could stand, I went back to ramp and loaded up, peeled cold, wet, blue jeans off of bright pink skin, cussed/thanked daddy for starting this all encompassing live-style, cranked up heater, and headed for the house. The little woman was not a bit surprised at my appearance. Think she has seen this movie a time or two.
  9. I totally get that! Our water stays soft down here but the cold tends to keep me at home. Couldn't stand it yesterday so I went. Only stayed an hour because my hands froze but have to feed the addiction.
  10. Santa ended up getting me three new bait casting combo's. The BR crew overwhelmingly recommended the Daiwa Aird so Santa paid attention. I love them and now I'm explaining to the bill payer, why the credit card blew up! Also got tons of new swim baits.....Zman, Crush City mayor, and Damiki.
  11. Glad you at least got to go. I could leave the office today but the wind is howling and spitting rain. Looks like you and I will have to wait till 2025 to hook another bigmouth!
  12. You have way more going for you than just time on the water. You can find fish, and entice them to eat. That is a gift I will always envy. Great job!
  13. Me too! I will focus on not-focusing on what doesn't matter. Great job this year Tim, and best of luck, (and fun), next year!
  14. Dang Bro ! Since when is a 15" LM a Dink? I know I'm outclassed by the BR Crew, but a 15" Is a real smile maker in my boat! Kinda like leapyears to me.....don't happen often. 🙂
  15. That's about how I felt! About 15 minutes before this fish, I hook a big one and was in for a hard, long fight. Got it to the surface and It was a five foot gar! Thankfully I got my Vault back!
  16. My daughter reminded my of something else I lost over the side....HER! She was a little bitty thing and we just got back to the dock after bream fishing. She caught a three pound Channel Cat, and I held it up to take a picture, and dropped it right on her little feet. She got stuck by the pec fin and was bawling out loud as I comforted her and tried to stop the bleeding. She was ready to go then, so I cranked up and went back to the dock. She stood on the front of the boat, and when I stepped off the boat, onto the dock, the bow swiftly rose and tossed her overboard!. Naturally, I had her in a life vest, so she popped right up and started the instinctive dog paddle. I pulled her out and gave her my dry clothes to wear for the trip home. I went home in my undies! Boy, did I get an earfull when she started blabbing to mom! Surprisingly, she still wanted me to take her fishing, and we've enjoyed many days on the water since! Mom still mad! 😐
  17. Got to go Sunday and hooked this beauty. 3lbs 2 oz is a nuisance is some but its borderline trophy for me! Only fish I caught but It made my day! went back yesterday but left quickly. The jet ski crowd was out in force! ☹️
  18. Because here at BR, we are always celebrating. Looking forward to seeing what you get, assuming you get anything. The reports I've been hearing 'bout you mountain boys ain't been good! 😁
  19. Went to Christmas Saturday at a daughters house and my grandkids got me two gift cards and a Mystery fishing Box. The box had a Googan Spinnerbait, a Blade bait, and EWG Hooks! Wish I knew how to rotate pictures. I'm online today finishing the fun! I did such a great job with my kids!
  20. Fished a beautiful gem of a lake in middle Tn. called Normandy. It is only 3000 acres so its considered a small lake in Tennessee but qualifies as a "pond" in Maine. It is an impoundment of the Duck river. This lake receives a ton of pressure due to our lack of choices, but in the winter, it is fishable. The high got to mid forties but there were still several boats on the water. Google it while you are waiting for your water to soften, if you like. It is a flood control lake with no generation, and fluctuates 15'! Right now, in winter pool, it is difficult to launch because of low water. I've never caught much out of Normandy but the view is worth the trip.
  21. HA! Actually my Chrysler was fantastic for many, many years. I finally took my 1973 Bomber to the dump because it leaked so bad my feet got wet. Gave the Chrysler to someone in need and it is still running, as far as I know. They were great engines. Started easy every time, but drank enough gas, you could almost watch the level drop! I DID THIS! Brand new anchor and rope. Tied on the anchor and threw it over the side. Sure nuff rocket science moment there! Miss my dad too!
  22. Laugh all ya like! I got the skunk out the boat! Only caught two dinks but I got to go fishing! First picture is an otter. The nightmare follows me forever. This is Normandy Lake in middle Tennessee.
  23. Remembered working on my motor (1973 Chrysler 70 HP) out in the middle of the lake. Took off the cowling and promptly kicked it into the drink. Had a fingertip grip on it while I was arm deep up to my face, but she slipped away. Water was 25' deep. Now its structure!
  24. I totally understand the "jumped in after it part". So does everyone else in this thread. The other 99% of us walking the country would think we were nuts...........but we already know it! Anglers DNA is just different and I'm good with that! 🤪
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