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About HookinFattys

  • Birthday 03/13/1982

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Orange County/Los Angeles Commiefornia
  • My PB
    Between 2-3 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Haven’t been to anything other than small ponds at local parks but I’m looking forward to branching out.

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  • About Me
    Just a newbie looking to graduate into a novice. I’m in my happy place when I’m out in nature whether it be hunting, shooting, fishing or hiking. I prefer animals to most people and respect the resources that are drastically deteriorating day by day.

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  1. Thanks for the tip. I didn’t know there was conditioner for fishing line. Is it something that needs to be applied often ie: multiple times per outing or is it more of a daily thing? I have a Shampoo and Conditioner in one, think that will work? ? I’ll check it out, I’m headed to my local tackle shop today and I’ll check it out.
  2. Thanks Tom. I have two reels and one rod. I had 50lb braid on one and 30 on the other but ratsnested one of them yesterday to the point that after a good 15 minutes of trying to remedy that situation I just cut it all off and put 12lb FC. With the issues I’m having with leaders I’m just running straight FC on the one and to me it seems like it casts better than the braid (even straight braid). To alleviate the hang up with the leader on the braid I was only using about 12 inches of FC so I could bypass the annoying “Thud” when casting a longer leader through the guides. It appears the majority of reply’s suggest not using a leader unless I’m using a finesse set up. For now I’m going to stick with FC and no leader. As time goes by and I become more proficient with the basics I may change it up. Thank you all for your input. I appreciate this community and look forward to learning from you all!!
  3. I suppose I should have used “Digital Copy” instead of PDF but it was implied in my comment. I’m not promoting anything illegal nor do I condone stealing someones hard work. Having said that I’m not politically correct and don’t don’t really care for the nitpicky response. I’m leaving the post and if the Mods deem it “Against the Guidlines” I’m sure they will be quick to delete. I don’t want to cause any ripples in the water but I’ve noticed quite a few people who are hyper sensitive to posts and will take things WAY to serious and literal. I thought this is supposed to be a fun and informative platform.
  4. For whatever reason tying knots comes pretty easy to me, not sure if it’s a super power or I just get lucky. ? I’m wondering if it’s my casting technique. No matter the knot I always get backlash. I’ve tried the The Improved Alberto, Blood Knot and the Surgeons Knot. All of which I has issues at the tip of the rod. ??‍♂️
  5. I guess the short answer is I started with braid and no leader and a few people told me I should use one if for no other reason than to save the mainline from getting shorter and shorter with each lure change. Im just going to eliminate the leader for now and work on getting some additional rods and reels so the changes won’t be so frequent and I’ll have options on the fly.
  6. Looking for input on using a leader line on both braided and flouro. I’ve been told to use about 1 1/2-3 feet of leader. I’m not sure if that’s good information though. To me that’s too much hanging out to cast with and when I do use that amount of leader it always gets caught at the tip and end up with frustration and epic backlash. How do I avoid this? I’m at the point where I don’t use a leader and feel like I’m wasting a lot of mainline when I do. I only have one rod right now so I Retie quite a bit while trying to find what works at the local Hatch’s.
  7. Thank you for all the welcomes. I’m really enjoying BR and have been soaking up so much info that my head is spinning. I read a post last night with regards to Recommended Bass books and someone posted that there is more info on this forum than all the books combined. I’m really starting to take stock in that. From a newbie I want to thank everyone for adding their wisdom and experiences throughput BR. Thanks for letting me be a part of the community!!
  8. That makes sense I get but that is quite the markup. Is there a pdf version that you know of. I know it’s an old book so it was probably published before pdf was a thing. I hope I didn’t come off as a jerk in my original comment. I had just come home from Costco and was really mad that I paid $34 for 3 cases of water. Price gouging gets me hot!! Anyways thank you for clarifying.
  9. When I saw $120 for a book I about crapped myself so I looked up the book brand new, anywhere from $220- $280. Out of sheer principle I think someone aught to smack the writer and the publisher for charging so much for a book. Im sure you can get the same info from another book and if not between two or three books for much less. ?
  10. I worked for a company installing conveyor belts in each and everyone of those quarry’s. There are some record size fish in all of them but even the guys that work at the quarry aren’t even allowed to fish them anymore. MSHA, OSHA and the on-site safety guys have put a stop to it. It’s my understanding that guys were going down there off shift with beer and fishing gear and ruined it for everyone. I still know the gate code to get in at two of the bigger quarry’s and it’s tempting but I plan on keeping my criminal record clean. Lol
  11. I haven’t. I’m getting tired of these like city ponds. They are all over fished and regardless of the setup I use I rarely get a bite. I might go check Legg out this week since I’ve never been. I’ll keep you posted on the outcome.
  12. You didn’t get hassled by the golf course employees? I’m always tempted to hop the fence but just didn’t want to be “that guy”.
  13. I’m actually in Whittier and fish La Mirada Regional all the time.
  14. I live in Orange County (So Cal). I’m looking for some cool people to go fishing with. If you’re cool hit me up.
  15. It’s too late for this year but Lake Bassett in San Diego is the best bass fishing in so cal. It’s only open for 7 months out of the year. You have to reserve your spot through Ticketmaster. While this may seem a little odd I guarantee you will catch more fish in one day than most people catch in a lifetime. You will not be disappointed!
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