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About Friggs

  • Birthday 01/07/1967

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Denver, PA. USA
  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Local Ponds, lakes, and cricks.
  • Other Interests
    Photography. Mostly wildlife.

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  • About Me
    I have fished for as long as I could hold a pole. In my 20's I got into fly fishing. But arthritis caused me to stop in my mid 30's. I did a little bass fishing but nothing serious. 20 years ago I became disabled and gave it up totally. A few years ago I started to think about trying it again. But I didn't want to spend the money on a license I did not use. Living on disability makes it challenging financially. But May 2021 I just said I am going to do it. I have gone fishing at least three times a week at a local lake, ponds, or crick. I use a power chair to get around. But I can still walk and fish standing. Needing to take a seat every now and then to rest my back and legs.

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  1. The one I'm trying this year is a fluke. Never fished one before. I was very successful last year with baits I either never tried or never caught a fish on. Before last year I had never caught fish on a spinnerbait, jig, large worm 10" plus, or a shaky head. And trick worms. Both regular and magnum. These have become a favorite of mine. I caught fish on all of them. In fact a few were my most successful lures. I'm hoping to be successful again with the fluke. I'm thinking it might be one of my best lures of the year. I hope you are successful with your lures you are trying this year. Tight lines. Bill
  2. I don't like carp. They fight well. I never caught one until this year. I have snagged 2. I think the same one twice. Second time I snagged the tail with a Mepps. Took me 13 minutes to land it. I was using my ultralight rod with 2 pound test. Ended up being a 29 inch 10 lb carp. This was in a small pond. I am disabled and have severe back issues. And landing and releasing them hurt my back. Was a great fight. But I would rather not catch another one. If I caught a 10 lb bass the pain would be worth it.
  3. Oh yes. I have over 60 Mepps. And a number of Rooster Tails. When all else fails. Throw on a Mepps. Or other spinners. Fish bight them not to feed but either curiosity or a defensive bight. Not sure what it is but they want it out of their area. Who knows why? But they do bight them. Question for you inline guys. Do you use swivels? I have but I don't see them really limiting line twists. And I think they deter bights. I will fish with one on and not get a bight. Take the swivel snap off and then get bights. And I use the smallest I can find. But on the small ones, the swivels don't seem to work well. Any thoughts? Thanks.
  4. I was at my local go-to pond today. I fished my normal bass gear and lures with not a bight. I had my ultralight gear with me so I decided to try that. Caught 3 smaller largemouths in a short time. Nothing big. But I didn't get skunked. Thank goodness for ultralight gear.
  5. Thanks. My "complaint" was not as much about the reel not being tight in the seat. But the poor quality of the seat. Seems very, very cheap. I did read a few reviews and none of them mention this. Maybe I am expecting to much. But I don't think so. But it is on there now and unless it falls off it won't bother me. The rest of the rod I love. It is basically my old rod with different guides and reel seat. I have yet to land any sizeable fish with it yet. But I am sure it will be just like my old one which is great.
  6. I went to Wal-Mart to get some groceries. And of course I had to go down the fishing aisle. I saw they had a War Eagle Finesse spinnerbait. I have one in Purple Shad and the fish can't seem to resist it a lot of the times. Normally within 5 cast I will catch one. So when I saw they had a different color, Mouse, I figured I would pick one up. We will see if it is as good as the Purple Shad.
  7. Thanks. I was just sharing my thoughts with the forum. I thought that was okay to do. I do plan on telling St Croix.
  8. I have to say the more I check out this new Trigon Mojo Bass rod, most of it I like. But I have to say, and it saddens me to say it. The reel seat is horrible. It feels so cheap. I compared the amount of movement to my other Mojo Bass spinning rod and the Trigon allows the reel to move a lot more. And it just feels like very cheap plastic. The reel seat on my Ugly Stick Premium and regular is much better. What was St Croix thinking? Maybe I am wrong and it is a better one than I think. But it sure doesn't feel like it. And to raise the price as much as they have compared to the discontinued Mojo Bass. If I was buying this from a store and was able to check it out I would not have bought it. I really hate saying this. I look forward to hearing what others will say about it and see if it is just my opinion that is like this.
  9. My new rod came today. And I am shocked. I was in management in retail years ago and dealing with manufacturers I learned that most, when they discontinue a model and come out with a new one. They hold on to some of the old ones so they have them for warranty replacements. I was expecting the same rod I had. But I guess St Croix does not do that for warranty replacements because I got a brand new Trigon as a replacement. It came at 12:45 so I went to a local pond to give it a go. At one point I got snagged and of course at first I thought it was a fish. I noticed my reel moved around in the grip. I had tightened it like normal. So I tightened it as tight as I could. If I hold the reel and twist the rod a little it still moves a little bit but I could live with it. I have not noticed this on my other St Croix. It has different guides and maybe it is my imagination, but it seems to cast a little smoother and farther. I also noticed the whole rod does not have a finish on the whole rod. Just around the decals and the guide wrappings. I guess this is trying to save a little weight. I like the glossy coating on the old one but I can live with this. The grip that they are making a big deal over is okay. I could take it or leave it. It's not something I would look for in another rod. So that's a quick comparison between the original Mojo Bass and the new Trigon.
  10. I only got one fishing item when I went to Cabelas this past week. I have a friend that likes to go shooting once a week. Well we went so much I went through all my ammo so I had to get a little bit so we can go shooting together again. He sometimes gives me ammo to clean his guns. He hates doing it. But he hasn't needed any done lately. Anyways. After spending over 2 hours looking at stuff to get and changing my mind a million times. It is hard when you have limited funds and you want to take the whole store home with you. LOL I found they had a Chatterbait Elite for $5.99. So I bought one. I should have gotten both. Duh. It is a color I have never seen. Redbone. I looked around for trailers for it for a long time. Decided to just use what I have at home. The green pumpkin pearl looks pretty good.
  11. Well, you all were right. A brand new rod is coming my way. They even cut the $50 fee in half to help me out. What a company. But what galyonj said is totally correct. They will get a lot of positive exposure from this at the cost of a rod which is probably not as much as we would think. I wonder if I will get one of the new Mojo Bass rods since they discontinued my rod. But I doubt it. I am sure they have some there just for a situation like this.
  12. WOW! That would be amazing. That would make this fat, disabled guy do a dance. LOL
  13. I actually just got a response from my email and they told me to put in a warranty claim. I feel kinda bad about doing that because it was totally 100% my fault. But they told me to so I did. It might be to my advantage that my rod is being discontinued. They might really want to get rid of them. If I remember I will post what they have to say.
  14. Thanks for the replies guys. I know they sometimes offer replacement rods at a discount. But I meant it when I said I have no money I can put into a replacement. I know some people have a hard time understanding that. But if you saw my disability check I get each month, you might better understand. I did email them. If I don't hear back from them after a while I will call just to see what they might do. But I have a feeling I would be wasting my time due to my limited income.
  15. I know I am not in you guys world. But I was curious so I weighed two of mine that I thought would be my lightest. And the winner is my St Croix Mojo Bass MJC71XHF with my Daiwa Tatula CT at 12.24 ounces. That is with 15-pound Seaguar 15lb Fluorocarbon on it.
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