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Chris Catignani

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  1. Chris Catignani's post in Finn & Gill was marked as the answer   
  2. Chris Catignani's post in Removing Flexcoat was marked as the answer   
    I would just take a dull knife and scrap off the epoxy...not worrying so much about scratches on the blank.
    Get it looking uniform with green scotchbrite pad...and then just refinish it with PermaGlos.
    I will sometime write on a blank with a white Sakura Jelly Roll #8.
  3. Chris Catignani's post in Best rod guide inserts? was marked as the answer   
    Alconite will work for pretty much everything....
  4. Chris Catignani's post in Curado Bantam CU-100B brake system was marked as the answer   
    I did do some more controlled testing...and sure enough some of the break collars were setting on when casting.
    [two days later]
    OK....got a new set of brake collars and problem fixed! $4.95 off eBay.
    Part No. BNT1517.
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