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Chris Catignani

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Everything posted by Chris Catignani

  1. I like a shorter rod for pitchin' ... it enables you to "cast" without the tip being in the water. 6'10" is perfect for me.
  2. It just needs a guide...you can fix it.
  3. As of late...the thinking is to start paying it forward.
  4. You can see that the black plastic is rotated such as to not allow that pin to come out and fasten inside the mount. Align the slots and insert back into the mount and then press the black pin to remove the pedestal.
  5. Lets see some of em...
  6. I always have one tied on. No trailer, no trailer hook. Great way to fish a big mud flat with lots of lay down...especially in the summer.
  7. I have always like the "lifted" look of a decal on one (or two even) coats of finish. You could try and burnish the ends down pretty good...I would do this on a finished blank (not matte)...or a blank with epoxy finish thats set up for a few days. Personally I just take it for what it is and go with...either that of just leave off the sticker. I have been making my own water slide decals with some success.
  8. Floatin' Rattle Trap (chrome)
  9. I fished for about 15 years out of a Tracker like that one...I wished I would have kept it as a backup!? That 50hp Merc was golden.
  10. Yes...makes them shiny looking versus the matte look. ...and in the case of a refurbish...it will hide the scaring from removing the guides.
  11. I have varnished a blank where I had to strip the guides off before hand.
  12. I been using their products for years...they originally had a battery terminal spray.
  13. I have found myself throwing a spinner bait more and more over the past few years. I wish I knew years ago that its hard to lose a spinner bait...I wouldn't have bought so many.
  14. Where you thinking "Inky Dink"? Named after Charlie Brewer's friend Inky Gilmore. Basically a Slider with a tail-spinner.
  15. New paint, skirts and swivel upgrades.
  16. First fish of the year!
  17. Belmont Tackle Co.
  18. Those Alabama bass fight hard! What lake?
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