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Chris Catignani

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Everything posted by Chris Catignani

  1. Thats all some pretty "fuzzy" math. "Thats one thousand five hundred bass...". Thats assuming that everyone is throwing a Ned...and everyone is gonna catch 30 (and 2 will die). Thats a lot of speculation. ...also never had a gut hook on a Ned.
  2. Yes...what @Jar11591 said. Sucker Brook side looks good for all kinds of reasons. Fish should move up on those flats...when they feel like it (thats the question).
  3. Old HP laptop running Ubuntu and FireFox. New Dell desktop running Win11 and Edge.
  4. Take a razor blade and cut the treads off the top of the guide foot.
  5. Bass (including smallmouth) have rods and cones in their eyes. Rods enable black and white vision (and shades of grey). Cones help distinguish various intensities of color. They do have a fixed focus pupil...but they have the ability to move their lens in and out to achieve focus.
  6. Tornados. I've been close to em a few times. Four really close calls.
  7. Oh yeah...DQ for sure.
  8. Sometimes people pay to fish and for some reason or another...dont show up. Not if they were just throwing all the short fish back..
  9. Mine too...as well as others. Here is some food for thought: The barometric pressure increases the further down the water table you go. By this I mean that the pressure at the surface is less than the pressure at say...10 feet. Fish use their swim bladder to regulate the ability to suspend. They can move gas from the blood system to the bladder to rise and reverse the process to descend. The exchange rate (unknown to me) is different for each species...and this rate is unaffected by water pressure and temperature. Here is a good article by Ralph Manns that appeared in In-Fisherman Barometric Pressure and Bass
  10. Cool...I worked in graphic arts in my early years(1984ish) for Precision Color and we did many Ralph McDonald prints. The color and the printing.
  11. One thing you could try is this. Ask the guy when he put on the "U40". It almost sounds like he may have used Red Moose Cork Renew. This is typically used on cork for shoes. Not being a fan of U40 I have use Red Moose and it will initially have a tacky feel...but it goes away in time. In my opinion...it is a WAY superior cork sealer than "U40"...but you have a set up period. Just on a whim...try hydrogen peroxide. U40 and Red Moose are both acrylic based solutions.
  12. This is something similar to a NED that I've been doing going on 45 years. I knew about this trick from Charlie Brewers Slider Fishing book...but adopted the technique purely by accident. I would bite off about an inch of the Slider tail and mount it backwards on a Slider head. Though I saw this setup in the book...I did this for this reason: Back then I would come into possession of various different colors either as a gifts or purchase. Slider was making a whole lot of "Fire tail" baits. Well bream love to grab that fire tail and run with it. So I would just bite it off and reverse it.
  13. ^^ 9 ? This is from my friend Dan Harrison...aspiring young artist... I give this guy much cred for trying to make it in the music industry...He moved to Nashville four years ago with nothing but a guitar and the clothes on his back.
  14. I have to say "No." also... Because I was already finesse fishing with a Slider. The two techniques are similar. I like the Ned rig and make my own heads and worms. It's a fish catcher for sure.
  15. I catch em on a lot of different lures...the problem I have is there is an 18" limit everywhere...21" at Dale Hollow.
  16. My buds at MudHole are stoked about this: Best of Category — Custom Tackle and Components Product: RBS Pro G2 Power Wrapper | Mud Hole Custom Tackle
  17. Obviously from Tennessee.
  18. Yes...hard bop: Art Blakey...Mingus, Clifford Brown, Kenny Burrell....the list is endless...
  19. Welcome...to the forum.
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