So far, my lifetime total of shapes molded is ... 2. Having fun, but I have a few no0b questions:
1) Should reheating cold plastic (in a microwave) after dying work? My youtube-based "education" makes it sound like this is supposed to work, but it seemed like it turned the purple dye to a muddy brown? (A cool color, btw, but not the intended one!)
2) The stiffness I am getting is much less than I expected. (Cue the hilarious comments...) My very first try was with regular plastic, so then I order up this "saltwater" stuff that Barlow's labels as "extra hard."
But this also produced a floppier-than-expected result. I can buy hardener, but it seems more likely that I am just doing something wrong. Could it be that I am not quite getting to the transition temp (350F) during the heating? Other common causes of floppiness?
3) I feel like I am sucking a lot of air into the injector, and this may be a cause of some large bubbles in the mold. Anybody have a tip for a newb to do a better job drawing up plastic from the 1 cup Pyrex? Or is that slurping sound OK and my large bubbles are caused by something else?