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TN basstracker

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About TN basstracker

  • Birthday 09/20/1982

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Memphis, TN & Savannah, TN
  • My PB
    Between 9-10 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Pickwick and Kentucky Lakes

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  1. TN has always been 15 inch LM on Pickwick, but changed from 18 inch SM to 15 inch SM, effective March 1st, 2013 when new licenses went on sale. http://www.eregulations.com/tennessee/fishing/new-2013-regulations/ MS goes to 15 inch across the board, effective March 21st, 2013, according to MDWFP website. http://www.mdwfp.com/media/166577/f-18_3424_creel_size___limits.pdf
  2. Good Luck guys. Wish I could make it but I will be in San Francisco/Reno the first weekend and Biloxi, MS the 2nd weekend. I fished a club tourney this past weekend on Sunday, March 10th. We ended up winning it with 21.86 lbs and had big fish at 6.38 lbs. The Pickwick Couples Trail was putting in at the same ramp we were and I think they had 20-25 boats or so and it took 21 lbs to win their tourney. We caught our entire limit in Yellow Creek, as did most every other boat trying to escape the 25-30 mph winds we had on Sunday. We caught our fish on Megabass 110 jerkbaits, A-rigs, Shakey Heads in 12-20 FOW on points and transition banks.
  3. Hey Scott, anytime. If you're in the Bartlett/Ellendale area, I work at Tracker Boat Center right there at Hwy 70 and Whitten. Stop by and introduce yourself and say hi sometime. Michael
  4. That's a great offer from Kent, and I would definitely take him up on that. Kent is a great guy to fish with and you will learn something, as did I, when I fished with him. I was going to say that you are more than welcome to fish with me somewhere, but I will be at Pickwick all weekend for a club tourney.
  5. Love Tunica! I've seen some sacks come out of Tunica. Last year in April, I took a co-worker down there and we hammered big fish in 2-3 ft of water on spinnerbaits and by flipping plastics back in the willows and cypress trees. I really like it early in the year from March to May, and then again in Sept and October. It does get tough in the hottest part of the summer, as Jeff mentioned above. It can be lights out early in the year, during and leading up to the spawn.
  6. Ditto what Kent said. Alex is one of the best there is on the lake!
  7. Here is the link to MDWFP's fishing reports page with a picture of the fish. http://www.mdwfp.com/applications/fishing%20reports/FishingReportsInfo.aspx?id=45
  8. A few of my good fish I've landed with Rage Tail baits. Nothing fancy, just a plain ol T-rigged craw, and a jig and craw for me. Well, one was caught on a 10 inch Thumper.
  9. I havent been to glenn springs in a little over a week, but 2 1/2 weeks ago, the water temp was 42 and we caught em in 16-20 ft of water on jigs with rage craws for trailer. Last week, the water was 52 and I caught 17 in 4 hours up shallow last Monday when it was very windy. All were quality fish 17-19 inches and 3-4 lbs. Looked like footballs. The front came through over night and the temps dropped 30 degrees and we went the next day and couldn't find em shallow and ended up catching 12 on jigs again. Haven't been since last tuesday.
  10. Talked to a buddy yesterday who went to Pickwick on Saturday and put in at the dam. He went mostly to graph some offshore structure and mark some things during the low water period for later on when the lake is at summer pool. Said he did manage to catch a couple of fish deep on a jigging spoon in the mouths of creeks near the dam. Didn't mention anything about a shad kill though. I'll get back with him and find out.
  11. As Ron mentioned earlier, if anyone in the Memphis/West TN area has anything they would like to donate to this wonderful cause, I will be glad to make arrangements to pick up these items as I will be trailering my boat up there along wih ShaneJ to help RonDef with this event. Feel free to PM me with contact info to arrange pick up. Thank you for your contribution to these veterans who have fought so hard to allow us to enjoy this sport we love so much.
  12. Yep. Mr. Mallard is right. The folks who bought the rights to the lake did so for duck season. It will reopen in feb. I talked to a guy about it at the lake store a cpl weeks ago.
  13. I saw that! They haven't pulled this much in awhile. I'll be there Tuesday and Wednesday, but I'll be fishing Tuesday afternoon and overnight into Wed. morning. I've tried to pick my days based on current now, but humps and ledges where I've been catching my 20+ lb bags have really slowed down. I've started catching more quality fish up shallow as they follow the baitfish into the grass. Pickwick has been unbelievable this year and I've had my best year ever, catching my largest ever at 9-4 about a month ago
  14. I had the absolute pleasure of fishing with Roadwarrior this weekend. I had an absolute blast and I learned a lot. We met both Saturday and Sunday mornings for breakfast and chit-chatted about fishing for an hour or so before daylight and I enjoyed this as much as the fishing! We headed off to the pond and caught a bunch of fish until the heat ran us off between 8 and 9 a.m. each morning. Roadwarrior said these fish had a big appetite for a Baby Thumper and he wasn't kidding. He brought enough for both of us, which I only needed 2 all weekend thanks to the durability of this bait. I know I caught around 20 on one baby thumper before a little theif snatched it off the hook on a hookset and I had to put a new one on! Most fish hit it on the initial fall off of the edge of a dropoff after the lure hit the water. I would let it fall on controlled slack and the line would tick just a little or just go slack well before it should've reached the bottom indicating to me I had a fish on. If it did make it to the bottom, all it took was a lift or 2 of the rod and let it fall and if the line didn't jump, it started drifting off. I can't speak enough about the durability of this worm! If you guys ever get the chance to fish with Roadwarrior, please go. This guy knows his fishing and brought a massive photo album full of big smallies for me to salivate over at breakfast this morning! I learned more about smallmouth fishing in one hour this morning at breakfast than I've ever known and I can't wait til we can hook up in the fall and winter so he can show me first hand about catching some big TN River smallies. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, Kent, for a wonderful outing these last 2 mornings!!!! Here's a couple Kent caught. None of mine were picture worthy this time!
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