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  1. I throw a frog 95% of the time in the summer/hot days of summer
  2. I bought a fuego ct for my 2nd frog reel and love it. It casts a mile! All I can say is if you like that Silvermax then the fuego should blow that out of the water. I hated my silvermax
  3. I use braid 90% of the time for all applications except jigs
  4. Does anyone know what power this model benkei is? All I can find is the regular-fast action online . It’s rated up to 2oz lure weights. im guessing it’s a moderate heavy power rod?
  5. I’m going to second the frog, learn how you walk the frog and really perfect it and you will get the bass to react. I had the same thing on one of my go to spots and the punching just wasn’t cutting it because of the over fished area so I really practiced with the frog and now it’s a whole different story. I almost only use a frog now haha. That said ……. If you really want to punch you could try adding a skirt to your Texas right to add more bulk presentation to your rig and that can help. Hope this helps
  6. I’m sure this was answered but jigs can be fished all season, I’ve hooked on bass in early spring ,summer and fall with no problems. the trailer I usually use a matching 3” craw my favorite and only color is green pumpkin simply because they work best for me but I’ve caught great fish on black and blue and white also how to fish is easy. I typically fish them 3 ways 1. drag slowly on bottom 2. swim it 3. jerk it around cover I’ve caught fish using all these methods and there all pretty consistent(try all methods and is the one that the fish bite on) one last thing is a lot of times the fish act right away once jig hit the water so watch that line apon lire hitting water. last thing is the type of jig. For swimming a jig I like the strike king blue Gill color with green pumpkin strike king 3” swim bait trailer and for slow tempo I like the green pumpkin bico original jig with green pumpkin battle craw from bico (I will be trying the zman 3” green pumpkin craw soon because of durability reason of the zman products) hope this helps and good luck
  7. Good info, I don’t want anyone thinking that I am saying the this benkei is junk. Just don’t hear anything about them or major craft around here. I can say that I landed a nice bass this morning and it’s a solid rod. Works the frog great (I think for the backbone this rod has it has a soft tip). This said …… I am a little confused what they mean by regular fast, does anyone know what power it is? I think it’s a heavy power /moderate fast action ? Is this correct?
  8. So it looks like I have a pretty high end (for me) frog rod
  9. I have one of these rods and it’s a great rod but I can’t find anything on it even though I own one. I believe there not from the states and very popular over seas but it’s hard to find anything about them. Anyone use them and how to they really hold up? I haven’t used it much and it’s one of my frog rods but I use another setup more. Any thoughts on this one?
  10. I like 7 ‘ rods because I’m not the tallest person and they seem to be easier to walk baits for me. You are correct hammer, I do not need another rod because they work but hey! Why not have a frog rod to free up my mojo
  11. I would learn what’s best for you. I fishing spinning gear off the bank for years and didn’t have issues at all. That said…..when I got into heavy lures like jigs and punching Texas rigs and frogging I really had to learn the bait caster because you have a lot more control with a bait caster imho. You can pitch into spots and cast under trees a lot easier with a bait caster. I guess it’s all in what you want to fish, what types of lures and how serious you think you will get.
  12. I’m thinking about getting a dedicated frog rod. I currently use a st crowd mojo sc111 blank M/H fast action 7’1. It Works great for loose cover and open water walking action. My other setup is a major craft benkei bic 69 fr frog game. now the thing that’s on my mind is …. Is it worth getting a dedicated frog rod when I have these two that work well? I love my mojo for jigs and during the summer I basically have a frog tied on. Has anyone even heard of the benkei I have? Thoughts on that if so? I understand that I don’t really need another frog rod when these two work but I guess it’s just the sickness of having specific rods for lures. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks
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