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    Lake Champlain, Vermont

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  1. I have that deck back on my yak and I can tell you what I did. First I am really thinking about cutting those pockets with the zippers out of the inside. They designed this bad for those fly fisherman. Anyways do you have bow lines that run all the way up the front of your yak? U can e-mail me or even call me @ 802-370-9422 and I can explain it easier than putting it all in here. rodnday@gmail.com
  2. X2 Heck, I fish from a kayak and even I carry a scale, Mustad spring scale. Nothing fancy or expensive and I don't even need batteries! I much agree to the fact that I don't understand what is so difficult about having a scale with you. A guy Istarted fishing with this year was claiming that if a bass was a certain lenght then it was a certain weight and a pound for every inch after that. My argument was pretty easy, Bass A may be the length as Bass B but A may not have pooped today or eaten a butt load more than Bass B. He now carries a Mustad Spring scale on his boat ;D
  3. According to Bill Dance, it goes like this length x girth(squared) / 800 to get your weight. Just my two cents
  4. Hey LBH, Need your help with my buddy's aluminum Bass Tracker leaking like a siv! How do we seal the bottom? Bass Tracker says to scrap it, what a joke! PM me if have to. Anyone else with ideas on how to take care of this please let me know! Please no one move this post. Thanks
  5. I have used the clear nail polish for tying my trebles, size 4,6, and 8's for bass plugs. I know this is a Bass Forum but I am a Sportsman and up here in Vermont we are coming into the season where the Bass really die off in biting and we switch over to fishing for Northern Pike. You want to talk about hard hitting monsters that will really give you a fight? Fish for Northern's! I really hate them when I lose an expensive Bass plug to their teeth so sometimes they do tick me off. BUt when you are targeting them, Pike, they can be alot of fun. The funny thing is, you go out to cathc them with large Musky Killers by Mepps and end up catching Bass too, like yesterday! Killing frost here this morning, 36 degrees!
  6. Hey Everyone, I have been dressing my own treble hooks for a little while now and have decided to start doing bucktail jigs and dressing large trebles with bucktail and hackle. My questions are, what do you guys use for head cement brands? laquer or water based? How do you apply your head cement? Any and all opinions or suggestions are readily welcome, Thanks in advance for any help given.
  7. Have any of you guys used these lures and what are your opinions about them? Thanks :-[
  8. Even though the G-Power is not a mono, I also absolutely love the stuff but it is getting pretty hard to find. Scored a good inventory on Ebay last month though so I won't be running out any time soon.
  9. Fall is definately coming, had to wear my knit cap to sleep the other night while on a fishing camping trip. Frost for the higher elevations was forcasted the other night. The leeves are changing already up here and I am sure that the water temps are goign to start dropping. Hope to get some fishing in with the kayak before it really gets too cold.
  10. Hey everyone, Have any of you ever heard of Acadia Sports 98% 24 ton high modulus crabon graphite rods and more importantly have any of you bought and used these rods? What can you tell me about them? Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you need me to tell you everything about the rod components and the deal I just received in the mail for them, I will gladly share the information. Looking forward to any and all inputs. Thanks
  11. Good morning everyone, this may be the wrong place to post this but I trust that it will be moved if it is. Have any of you ever heard of Acadia Sports 98% 24 ton high modulus crabon graphite rods and more importantly have any of you bought and used these rods? What can you tell me about them? ANy help would be greatly appreciated. If you need me to tell you everything about the rod components and the deal I just received in the mail for them, I will gladly share the information. Looking forward to any and all inputs. Thanks
  12. Hey everyone, time to pick the brains of the most inovative people! Here in Vermont it is illegal to use any lead weights of 1/2 oz or less. THis applies to just sinking weights, split shot for example, not jigs and spinnerbaits and the other sorts. So I would like to try split shotting and I want to know if anyone out there knows of a good source for tungsten wingless split shots? I know they make these for fly fisherman but I feel they are going to be too small. With that being said, what size of a weight am I looking for to apply the split shotting method? Any and all input would be greatly appreciated! Tight Line
  13. Good Morning everyone! What a great morning to be out on the water.....I have the kiddies though so I won't be out there today! Anyway I have a question. THought I was pretty knowledgable whenit comes to Bass Fishing but I guess I am missing something. What the heck does the term of style "split shotting" mean? : Any and all input please and Thanks 8-)
  14. Hey everyone, Looking for a few ideas but first you must be familiar with this new kayak deck bag to answer the question. On each side of the bag there two quick clip straps that don't cinch down tight enough to hold a rod in place, which is what I'ld like to do with them. Do any of you out there have this same bag and what do you use those two straps for and what could I do to make them usefull for rod holders? They would stick straight out toward the bow of the kayak which I am perfectly fine with. I bought a Current Designs Kestrel 14' TCS system kayak this year and I am not wanting to drill any holes in the boat to install rod holders. On each side of the kayak there are built in paddle holders which are convenient but I find that I end up hitting the reel sometimes, when not paying attention, with the paddle shaft. For any of you ingenius minds out there who want to help me but have no idea what I am talking about, you can view this bag at BPS. It is a very nice product for us kayak anglers. Seattle Sports are a bunch of idiots though as when I called them to ask a few questions about the bag "We don't make such a thing" was an answer I received and my reply was "I am looking at it right on your website!" . Also I asked if the inside pouches are removable, they stated they were, right, with a razor blade! Doesn't really matter though, I am going to make it work for me. Thanks in advance for any and all help that might come forth from this post, any and all ideas are welcome with any modifications to this bag.
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