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Everything posted by nhbassin13

  1. you could always do potanipo. its got good bass in it still. just make sure to go on a weekday and try to get a calm day.
  2. i live in milford and i can say there are some nice ponds in this area but lots of them are no access. Baboosic in amherst is really good fishing but there is no public access. i find that i have to travel a little ways towards nashua or head a little west to find some nice ponds.
  3. Potanipo is hit or miss. its way overfished and overused. my profile picture is actually a bass from potanipo and my dads personal best came out of there years ago. however if you can fish it on a calm weekday there still are some big ones to be caught. usually every pre spawn you can see the big (5+lbers) swimming through the sandy shorelines.
  4. I fished lincoln too this evening with my dad. I got skunked he got one. There has been a lot of activity on lincoln the past coupl of days especially tonight.
  5. Im from amherst and your right i was not aware that there were some monsters in lincoln pond. As for little baboosic, i tried walking in once from walnut hill and embankment rd where the snow mobile trail is. i could not get anywhere close to the edge of the water. there is a very tiny swampy stream that runs into the pond that wou might be able to kayack up. other than that i think its unfishable. I live in Bedford, just moved here.. and I'm telling you brother I saw it with my own eyes. we were to the left of the little pier and abandonded cottage. There is a rock that sticks out the water, and he caught it right next to that rock. And i hiked down the same snowmobile trail !! and got bit by every mosquito in New Hampshire didn't even come close to getting near the lake and finally just gave up. anything in that lake hasnt seen a lure in a long long time if ever so i have to figure out a way in there. there is a conservation area that abuts the farm right on Baboosic Lake road . i might just try to hike it through there. Im afraid that if I ever got there it is probably surrounded by wetlands and marsh around the perimiter of the lake. Have you ever fished Joe English ? yeah i will have to give lincoln atry then. I think your right about little baboosic that its all marshy but yeah your best bet is by that farm. I have not tried joe english. use to have big fish but after 9/11 i dont believe you can fish it because its on the new boston air force tracking station property.
  6. Im from amherst and your right i was not aware that there were some monsters in lincoln pond. As for little baboosic, i tried walking in once from walnut hill and embankment rd where the snow mobile trail is. i could not get anywhere close to the edge of the water. there is a very tiny swampy stream that runs into the pond that wou might be able to kayack up. other than that i think its unfishable.
  7. I fish wilton resevior often. There are some decent fish in there. Fished once from a boat early in the season, but typically its always from the shore. I have caught a couple in the 4 lb range in there.
  8. alright thanks. I have never tried horn poutin always just fish for bass but just wanted to try it after seeing unhbass sons horn pout.
  9. anyone know any good ponds for horn pout?
  10. the small ponds in the milford area are opening up very quick.
  11. yeah i am so frustrated with the nashua river i have been there multiple times with horrible luck i want to give up on the place but i know there is big bass in there. i fished the big bassathon tournament there a couple of weeks ago with no luck again. i just cant seem to find the big ones
  12. i fished gregg lake a couple of times and i was targetting the largemouth in there. caught a 4.7 lber but only a few smallmouth nothing of size. but i too have heard of some decent smallies in there. its pretty deep in the middle so i would assume you could find some nice fish there
  13. yeah exactly like robinson pond.
  14. pa1n i have had the same luck as you at all three places. paid the money to launch at horace and did horrible there. deering is good to me one day and the next its catching little 8" bass all day. and babosicbass i caught him on the senko in a watermelon color. like i said wilton is really difficult you can see a ton of bass in the water but there small usually. however i have caught one bass bigger than my 3.3 out of there and my dad this year got a 4.5 lb out of there. one of the locals told me he caught a 6 lber there so who knows but mostly just smaller bass come out of there.
  15. yah that came from the wilton resevoir but it is really hit or miss with that place.
  16. here is a bass i caught the other day. at first it looked to be no bigger than two lbs but then i saw it had the biggest strecthed belly i have ever seen on this small of a fish. it ended up weighing 3.3 lbs
  17. i have decided to go to bow lake tomorrow is it any good?
  18. has anyone fished the lamprey river? how did you do? is there an access for bass boats?
  19. has anyone ever fished pleasent pond or deering resevoir?
  20. fished melendy pond in brookline today for a couple of hours and caught a two small bass real close to the shore up against structure. bothy bass were only about a pound or so each
  21. i used senkos during the summer and fall but im sure there running deep right now so maybe some jigs
  22. the resevoir is town property and anyone can fish it there are some good shore fishing trails around half of the lake. You can also put a small carry-in boat on the water too. when you get there just park on the edge of the road and you will be fine
  23. the resevoir is on a road that is not maintained during the winter called sand hill road
  24. walkingboss thanks for the info on the pond i will have to see if there is any public access
  25. sounds like baboosic produces some nice fish i will have to shore fish it this year. keep up the good work and keep me posted if you catch any more pigs there.
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