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Everything posted by nhbassin13

  1. thanks guys! shane i agree with you, i think it was a five at least. i only weighed it once and did not confirm it on my dads scale. heres one more pic of it and its belly...
  2. caught a bunch of fish again today in the rain. biggest of the day was 4.8 lbs. after looking at the picture i should have re weighed it as it looks bigger but oh well scale said 4.8.
  3. majority have been on beds or near their beds on structure.
  4. got out today in the rain. I was cold and wet but i did still manage about 8 bass in a few hours. biggest one ended up being 5.5 lbs. the pictures dont do the fish any justice. sucks when your by yourself and you need to take a picture. anyways her she is full of eggs.
  5. nope none of them are from milford. i fished osgood last year before they drained it.other than that milford doesnt have much to offer for bass fishing. mikeOGNR im not sure exactly what the temp is but the water is warming fast and the big bass are on beds for sure!
  6. most of them were all in shallow as in 1-3 ft.
  7. thanks nejitterbugger! its been a good spring so far. those fish are actually caught from three different places.
  8. got out today and fought the wind the entire time. managed to get 1 decent spawning bass at 4.9 lbs.
  9. got out for a few hours and managed to catch a nice spawning female. ended up being my new pb at 6.1 lbs.
  10. got out for a couple hours today. managed to catch 6 in total on a jig. saw a ton of fish moving including quite a few 5+ and lost one that was easily over 5lbs. i did manage to get these two which weighed in at 4.7lbs and 4.10 lbs.
  11. I live right by honey pot pond and have fished it multiple times this year as its a quick spot to stop and drop the canoe off. i have managed to catch what seems like the same 4 or 5 3 to 3.5 pond bass each time i go out. i have seen a few bigger than that in there and have too heard of a five pounder coaught there but i too find it hard to believe until i see it or catch it myself. all that said it still is a fun pond to kill a few hours and catch some decent fish everytime.
  12. nice to know there are bass in that pond nev! i have fished it multiple times from the road with no luck at all. glad you got some decent fish out of it.
  14. nice catch shane glad to see someone pull something nice out of that pond
  15. unhbass37 on the facebook page bass fishing in nh there are multiple pics of bass caught both in long pond and gorham pond ranging from 2-6 lbs if that helps.
  16. heard rumors of big bass in there from the old employees at zylas years ago which got me intrested in the place however like unhbass37 said i have never caught anything of size at all in there after fishing it over the years and have given up on it.its more of a waste of time to me. i did see some good size carp that must have got stuck in there back when the merrimack flooded into horseshoe pond years ago.
  17. unhbass37 is that a new pb bass as your profile???? looks like a beauty!
  18. shane you are just on fire this year way to go!
  19. Anyone fishing in and around san antonio?
  20. webster lake in franklin has some great smallmouth fishing as well as some great largemouth.
  21. nashua neverett was that tinker rd bass caught at the d**n by tinker rd at thorton rd or else where. i have shore fished all those pennichuck ponds with no great luck??
  22. hubbards good. some decent fish and tons of weeds. water level might be low now but you would have to check that out. Almost all the places in the rindge area are decent ponds and lakes some are just heavily fished. good luck.
  23. yeah baboosic is beautiful but it has no public launch and their town beach is monitored so its tough to get access too.
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