I know this post is old but maybe mine added to this can help someone as well. I just bought a used 2015 tracker pro 170. Last week I went fishing for the first time in it and the front live well did fine. Halfway through the trip I filled up the second live well with water and it was taking forever to fill up. It’s bc it was leaking in the hull of the boat. I didn’t figure that out until I tried to pick up and move and the boat wouldn’t plain out on top the water. Atleast 50 gallons of water in the bottom of my hull when I got it on my trailer. So I addressed this issue and went to charge my genius 2 bank charger a week later before I went fishing. Was double checking everything and it shocked me. Wasn’t bad but made me say a dirty word! This did not happen before the water got in my boat last time. I’ll be further investigating in the morning. Both cords I tried are fairly new, both have ground plugs. No breaker tripped inside house. Checking charger next! I think that’s my problem too. Thanks to everyone for ur previous post about the 2014 tracker. Gave me insight to my problem.