I went fishing last night for a few hours, the bite was tough and it was hot and humid after raining all day. I went to the first pond right across from my work and fished for about an hour, I couldn’t find any fish and decided to try the next pond about a half mile down, which historically has been tough to catch fish in. After trying a small swim bait I switched to ripping a small lipless crank over some submerged grass and felt that thud I had been waiting for. The fish was coming in easily but it felt awkward in the water when I was reeling it in. I got the fish to where I could see it and realized I had not one but TWO little bass on my lure! I know that this happens and it probably doesn’t sound as cool to a lot of you as it is for me but I am so excited about it!
I went on to get into a school and caught 4 more small fish before heading home.