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About SRQAlex

  • Birthday 05/22/1995

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Port, Florida
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Wherever they are biting!
  • Other Interests
    Behavior science

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  • About Me
    Florida born and raised. 1st generation proud Cuban American. 3 kids Annabelle, Maddison and Cooper. Married my middle school sweetheart. Behavioral Therapist by day, super dad by night.

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  1. When I was a little boy, maybe 6 or 7 my dad took my fishing on the Ringling pier in Sarasota. All was going well until I went to cast a fresh pinfish out and got stuck on something behind me. It turned out to be A WOMANS EARLOBE. I straight up gave her a perfect ear piercing. The pin fish was dangling from her ear! Luckily the lady took it all in stride and laughed it off. I’ll never forget the look on my pops face. Pure terror.
  2. I am rebuilding my 1980 bass tracker from the bottom up. What are the things on your boat that aren’t obvious but make your life easier? It can be anything big or small.
  3. We are headed to lake istokpoga.
  4. Thanks. That’s pretty much what I was thinking. I just wanted to hear some other’s opinions.
  5. My wife got me a guided bass fishing trip for Christmas. In the reservation it says all gear is provided. Would it be rude to bring my own gear?
  6. Ehh. I enjoy having company with me as long as we are on the same page. I fish with my BIL often and we get along great. We both have been bass fishing since we were kids so he gets how it can be.
  7. Fishing with people that start getting antsy if we aren’t getting bit immediately. I took a buddy out a while back and an hour in with 1 fish caught he started complaining that we weren’t catching anything. I tried to tell him we are working out a pattern and hopefully once we figure it out we will start slaying. His attitude stayed pessimistic the rest of the trip so I cut it short, dropped him at his truck and went back fishing solo. No negativity is allowed on my boat. PMA ONLY! He’s a good guy but he doesn’t have it in his blood. Maybe bottom fishing a wreck for snapper would be more his speed.
  8. Both. Pond hop during the week and in my boat on the weekends. Thanks for the link! Lots of good info in that thread!
  9. I’m not much of a jig fisherman, I don’t have a lot of confidence when I use them. I’d like to get better at it. Give me your best jig fishing tips! Thanks!
  10. Is that a black mouth cur?
  11. Most days I bring 4-5 rods with me. med action crankbait rod med action Texas rig rod med heavy spinnerbait / chatter bait rod heavy punching/frog rod med light spinning rod for finesse fishing, although I don’t finesse fish very much.
  12. I picked up fly fishing for the first time ever last week. Just a cheap setup from Dicks. I have caught two bass so far! Both on a black nymph. Super excited to learn a new style of fishing!
  13. I went fishing last night for a few hours, the bite was tough and it was hot and humid after raining all day. I went to the first pond right across from my work and fished for about an hour, I couldn’t find any fish and decided to try the next pond about a half mile down, which historically has been tough to catch fish in. After trying a small swim bait I switched to ripping a small lipless crank over some submerged grass and felt that thud I had been waiting for. The fish was coming in easily but it felt awkward in the water when I was reeling it in. I got the fish to where I could see it and realized I had not one but TWO little bass on my lure! I know that this happens and it probably doesn’t sound as cool to a lot of you as it is for me but I am so excited about it! I went on to get into a school and caught 4 more small fish before heading home.
  14. Hey there, the biggest piece of advice I can give you is to pick a single technique like a Texas rigged worm and get really good at using it. Once you have the understanding of how to work whatever technique you choose and can consistently catch fish with it, THEN move to the next technique. Keep it simple and don’t overwhelm yourself with a ton of different gear at first.
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