Finally made it down to lake #2 this morning. Launched at about 01:00. Figgered I better go catch some bass to maintain my membership here. ? The muskie addiction has been getting the better of me lately.
The plan was to chatterbait some weedbeds that have been good to me over the years. That changed in a hurry. They NUKED that place. I haven't been there since June. Whole lake is baren of weeds except for pads in the upper end, and a little patch of pondweed here and there.
So I decided plan B would be chasing the shadows cast by that big blue moon overhead. I ran down to mid lake and got on some dark chunk rock banks. It was on from the git-go. I had a pair of 2.5# chunks within ten minutes, one LM one SM, and so it went until daylight. Chatterbait the whole time. I caught a pile of em, and there were quality fish up on that shallow rock. Average was around 2#, and my best five would go right about 17#. Mixed bag, about 3/4 SM. Best two pictured below. I also lost a really good smalljaws boatside. Heck of a fun night.
My kicker. 21 1/4" and 5.67#. My new all time #3 SM, and this fish will bump my all time best 5 smallies up over the 28# mark to 28.24#.
Tomorrow's dinner bit a little after daylight.
Picked up a few more LM after daylight, pitching cattails, biggest was just shy of 3#. Called it quits on the bass and went chasing muskie for a few hours to finish out the trip. Zero luck with that. Back to lake #1 chasing muskie with the wife in the morning. I'd rather go back down chasing those big smallies in the wee hours, but I think she might have the muskie bug worse than me, so that's what we'll do. Lol.