I had an awesome morning, with one of the greatest fish catches of my life. I bagged my first muskie on the new chatterbait at first light. The fish hit mid retrieve and we slugged it out through about 40' of shallow milfoil. As I got it close it made a hard run under the boat. I got it turned and it came back out going full tilt, turned in a semi circle, and rocketed up about 4' out of the water, as they're apt to do in the shallows. The fish came unbuttoned mid air, and sent my bait flying back at me, while the fish landed ON THE FLOOR OF MY BOAT!!! LOL!!! So, I put in in the net to chill while I set the phone up for a pic. I get the green, uncooperative fish out of the net for a photo, and as I turn it horizontal, it goes ballistic, wrenches out of my hands, bounces off the deck, and goes right back INTO THE NET!!! NO FLIPPIN WAY!!! ? My first thought was of Paul's comment in Romans 8:31, What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Lol. Anyhow, twas a total fiasco, but my new bait is on the board with a 42". ?
Shortly after, the #6 Vibrax got it done again with a nice, thick 40.5" That little spinner has quickly earned a place in the staring lineup. Sucks it's been discontinued, but I have parts arriving today to make my own.
I spent awhile longer in the shallow weeds with just a single lazy follow to show for it, so I moved back out to the deeper 10'-13' weeds, and managed to crank up this little 33" before the bite completely shut off.
After almost four more hours without even a follow, I called it around noon. This heat wave has really tightened up the bite windows. I can't get anything going in the dark either, just that early morning bite.
I'll close this out by stating that, muskie knuckle trumps bass thumb every time. ?