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Everything posted by T-Billy

  1. I feel for ya brother. Been there done that, but with a different species. 33"-34" saugeye in my case. It's a sick feeling watching the fish of a lifetime swim off with your lure for sure.
  2. The fish continue to be finicky in the clear water. I lost one yesterday and had 6 more follows. Today was a bit better. I was fortunate to go 2 for 2 today as both fish just had the rear treble. I also had 8 more chasers. It was a short bite window, with both fish coming about 15 min apart. Hopefully Beryl helps me out and stains the water up tomorrow. 35" 38"
  3. I'm with ya. I don't begrudge anyone for using it. I rode the fence for awhile, and came very close to pulling the trigger twice, but in the end I decided that's just not how I want to fish.
  4. Your senator is a lucky man @ol'crickety. A trip on private water with the best guide in the state. I'm sure the price is right too.
  5. Thank you for the kind words Katie. It hasn't always been that way. Before Jesus made me a disciple, he first had to humble me. He's VERY good at that. Lol. I still get a little big for my britches now and then, and when I do, he always lets me know. 😉
  6. I stopped buying tackle and switched to the barter system instead. Today I traded 225 of my dollars for a new 9' XH Shimano Skixx muskie rod. 😉
  7. First, congrats on an awesome trip!!! I'll second Bob in thanking you for taking us along. Pertaining to the quote, you don't have to keep the rod high, just keep it loaded up and reel as fast as you need to, to keep pressure on 'em. If you can keep the tip low to the water, or even in it, it makes it harder for them to jump and throw the hook. That's what's worked best for me over the years anyhow.
  8. Chatterbait, tube, and jig on rock structure, and weed lines get it done for me.
  9. Happy 4th to all, and a BIG heartfelt thank you to all of our veterans.
  10. I'd register it. No worries about blowing up the lake. Our little lakes here in OH get pounded mercilessly anyway. My favorite lake is just over 1000 acres. Every point, cove, flat etc. gets worked over daily for both bass and muskie. Multiple times on the weekends. There are no secret spots, and there are no empty parking spaces shortly after sunrise.
  11. Makes me think of watching Jerry McKinnis when I was a young'n.
  12. Four 12's here for the past seven years. I agree 100%.
  13. I'm gonna give it my best. If only the water wasn't quite so clear... I've hooked up on and lost a couple dozen of those dang nippers in the past month. It'd be nice to get some storms to stain the water up a bit. I could really go on a tear if that happens.
  14. Thank you for the compliment Katie. I'm making progress. Since I didn't start chasing them outside the cold water seasons until last August, these past few months have been a learning experience for sure. I now have a solid foundation to build on next spring though. The fish are now moving into the same summer pattern where I found them last August, so I'm expecting my numbers to pick up soon. I set a goal of catching 100 of them slimy suckers this year, and I'm only a quarter of the way there with half the year gone. I have my work cut out for me for the rest of the year, but it's still doable with a bit of luck. 🤞
  15. 3 pounder... 3 footer... The surface temp has dropped 5 degrees in the past week on the back side of that heat wave, and the night bite has cooled right off with it. I only caught this 3.19# and a couple dinks in the 2.5hrs I was out before dawn. I caught the 36" muskie and lost another on an assault eel in the early morning light. It ended up being the only one I caught. I lost five others and had 12 follows, so I moved a total of 18 fish today with only one to show for it. They were back to just nipping at my baits again so I struggled to get solid hookups. Grrr... MUSKIES SUCK!!! 😂 Until they don't that is. 😉 I had the right game plan. I was on good numbers with some quality fish in the mix, I just couldn't close the deal. Five of the follows were in the 40" - 46" range, and one that I lost was a low 40's. Hopefully they're more cooperative next week. I work the next five, then I'll be on fishcation for 11 days.
  16. We've been getting down in the low 50's at night lately. Water temp has dropped 5 degrees in a week on the back side of that heat wave.
  17. Dang. Sorry to hear brother. Continued prayers....
  18. They were chewin this morning. Chunky little 30.75" absolutely smoked a mid Medussa, and the 39.75" came on one of my homemade double 8's. I also lost one around 40" on the spinner, because I'm a dummy. I tried horsing it into the net with it's head out of the water, and it shook off. I know better, but did it anyway because... I'm a dummy. 😂🤦‍♂️ I also had a mid 40's smoke my spinner about 15' from the boat, in about 3' of water. It was an awesome bite to watch, but it didn't turn and I had to set the hook with the fish coming straight at me. I didn't get a good hookup and it came unbuttoned after a few big head shakes. So... 2 for 4 today. I had 8 other follows including another mid 40's. I found the bigger fish way in the back of a couple bays that have creeks entering them. Things are setting up like they were last August when I started chasing these slimy critters, so I'm hoping this deal is gonna hold up for awhile. I ran around and hit some other stuff today and eliminated a bunch of water. I feel like I have a solid game plan for tomorrow morning. 🤞
  19. 832 for all bottom contact and heavy cover applications. Handles great and is the toughest most abrasion resistant braid I've found.
  20. Always. Super strong, protected from damage by the bait, and the cam action sticks 'em in the roof of the mouth the vast majority of the time.
  21. Congrats @Mike L!!!
  22. I hadn't seen these. I'll have to give them a try when I run low on 6th sense OX hooks. They're my current favorite. That's gonna take awhile. I cleaned Wally World out of them last time I was there. My favorite design ever was the R2S New Jack, but the ones I bought weren't tempered well and I broke three of them, right where the keeper was welded on. The rest went in the trash.
  23. The stock knobs on my Zillion HD's are my favorites for bass reels of the ones I've tried, though I'm sure I'd like those big honkin handles on @bulldog1935's reels. On my muskie reels I want a power handle with a big ol knob.
  24. So I accidentally started tying this knot, thinking I was tying it the way Tharp does. I later watched his video again and realized I wasn't, but at that point this way had been thoroughly tested and proven itself. After tying one the way Randall does, I decided my way was better IMO, because it cinches easier, and by not going through the eye a second time there's no wrap around it that can get damaged and cause a failure. This knot has been tested against big Flatheads, muskie, stumps, and thousands of bass. Never a single failure. Here goes... First thread the line through the eye making sure to come through from the point side of the hook. Next form a loop like this leaving an inch or a bit more of tag end. Trap the intersection of the loop with your thumb, holding the hook by the eye, with the point down. Wrap the tag around the shank once tucking it behind the point of the keeper to hold it in place. Wrap the loop around the shank between the keeper and the eye 7 times giving it a half twist each wrap as Tharp demonstrates in his video. (Also shown below.) Then cinch like he demonstrates. I haven't found a need for pliers on the tag like he demonstrates. I just pull it taught with my teeth, then cinch by pulling hard on the main line. The finished product. Point side. Bottom side. Randall's video.
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