There are so many reasons why I love, and currently am obsessed with Bass fishing (fishing in general but right now for me I'm focused on Largemouth Bass). From the meditation aspect of it- I tend to not have my mind wander too much towards other things in my life but to just "be in the moment" and focus on the mechanical aspects of fishing, whether it be to hold my rod at a certain angle, retrieve at a certain speed, casting to specific spots, selection of various lures, tying the knots, etc. The intellectual pursuit of trying to learn, understand, and anticipate the biology, the psychology and the mathematical probabilities of where and why the bass are where they are at any given time. There are physiological reasons, from the rush of catching something, and the absolute frustration and sometimes boredom of not catching anything for some time, the chemicals in the brain are hitting all the right places (I equate fishing to gambling - the amount of times one places a bet is another cast, the lost lure, the hang ups, the lost fish, is the lost money, the landing of a fish is the payout). There are also the physical benefits of getting sunshine , fresh air, and a good workout in from hiking into a spot (and standing, casting for hours) or kayak paddling as I have been doing lately. I am sure there are other reasons, but these seem to be the major ones for me. I just love fishing, bass or whatever, there is nothing else like it.