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USN Vet Angler

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  1. I used to fish when I was younger. I would go bass fishing with my best friend and out record day between the 2 of us was 73 He beat me by 3 38 to 35. The was at a small pond in Oklahoma. Then life happened and 20 years later I start fishing again with the same rods I had 20 years prior. Needless to say I only have 1 reel left of my 3 combos i had. When I started fishing again I started doing a little research for best lures to catch bass. I found out there is a science to it now. I see things about carolina rigs, Texas rigs, and more. I don't even know what the difference is. I am trying to learn all I can and go fishing on my days off. Watching something on youtube and doing it in person is a totally different thing. I live in NW Arkansas and usually fish at Beaver lake which has a FLW tournament every year. I am looking for a place where I can get advice on everything. I just bought a BassPro Carbon Lite baitcaster combo. I have never used a baitcaster before. I have 2 Zebco 33, a Zebco 404, and the baitcaster. I have 30lb braid on my baitcaster, 15lb flourocarbon on the 404, and 10lb mono on my 33's. I am lucky to catch anything when I go. I probably have everything rigged up wrong. hahahahaha. I wouldn't be surprised. What do i need to do to catch more fish?
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