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Everything posted by NavyToad

  1. Unless you’re one of the old men.
  2. Set truss a sheeted alot of roofs years ago. Hottest place on the job site. I didn’t mind way back then, but circumstances changed and I ended up fixing radios/radars etc.. in the A/C for 38 years. No regrets.
  3. I think we’d all be richer and and blissfully catching fish with our old gear if not for the internet.
  4. 1/8 - 1/4oz jighead with a 3-4” white or smoke grub. Simple - cast and slow to moderate retrieve. If you have a muck bottom keep it off the bottom. You might have to adjust the weight for depth/retrieve speed. Best done with spinning gear and is also easy for kids.
  5. Never and even less likely now that I’m retired. Pocket Knife monkey? After 30 or 40 fixes, I shot that S.O.B.. No new knives in years. Bought a $600 Curtis one time and luckily it was flawed so I sent it back. $50 re-stocking fee was worth it. Wanna buy a knife or 20? LOL!
  6. All the time, but it’s an itch I don’t scratch as often or easily nowadays. Reels only get my attention when there’s a bargain to be had, but rods are a different story and can send me on an hours long dive into YouTube and reading everything I can find. Being retired has changed how readily I spend my money, but my old habits haven’t entirely gone away.
  7. I follow 2 small town Sheriff’s departments on Fbook. Times have surely changed EVERYWHERE. I’d opine further, but I’d probably end up on someone’s watch list.
  8. In the $200 range the world is your oyster. Stick with a name brand and you won’t be disappointed. IMO the trick is finding them on sale as @txchaser mentioned. The internet is good for something once in a while.
  9. I’d say no, but a stranger looking at my gear would probably wonder why I have so many Lews reels. Rods are more varied, but in the last 5 years all my rods and reels have come from a total of 3 manufacturers. In my childhood Shimano made bicycle parts - I’ve never got on board with them. I know, I know.
  10. A helgramite climb in there? LOL!
  11. Take the reel to Bass Pro or a local tackle shop and ask them for a rod to fit that reel. The feet on your reel look the same as most reels I’ve seen and I think there might be plenty of modern rods that will fit your reel. Or….proceed as planned. Either way, good luck.
  12. Omnia has $50 off Lews Signature Series rods. I already have a $22 credit - tempting.
  13. He parlayed his personality into one heck of a gig. I like him. He and my nephew could pass for twins.
  14. Do you do any fishing around Falling Waters? I used to fish there regularly and I’m wondering how the river’s doing. I grew up in Frederick.
  15. We have a legitimate reason for optimism! For the first time in a long time the future looks bright. I liked what Buck Showalter was able to do, but this time around I think we have a farm system to sustain us for a while. September and heading into next year will be fun.
  16. Welcome. I grew up in Frederick. Where are you in MD? Were you at PAX?
  17. IMO we’re 100 years away from whatever it is they’re trying to achieve. That’s IF it’s achievable.
  18. I’ve purchased from these guys with no problem. .94 ea for 1/4oz Free shipping over $50 https://www.omfishingsinkers.com/tungsten-sinker/tungsten-skinny-drop-shot-weights-unpainted-p_4303.html
  19. We were stationed in Northern Japan where it snows 12’ every year. She’s not doing that again.
  20. I’d like to move to where I was born - Wellsboro PA. Frikkin’ cold and my wife is filipina. Some things just aren’t in the cards for me.
  21. I started out making a list of actors/movies, but soon realized I could spend hours doing it that way and still forget half of the good ones. In the ‘60s they used to show old movies all day Sunday on channel 20 out of D.C.. Got our TV guide out of the Washington Post. WaPo used to be good for SOMETHING. Ravens are lookin’ good!
  22. Turner Classic Movies (TCM) and American Movie Classics (AMC) are the best channels for old movies. I prefer TCM over AMC because TCM is commercial free. AMC has started showing more modern (‘70s & up) with fewer “old” movies since they went to commercials. I can scroll through TCM’s guide for the week and pick and choose which ones I’m interested in and DVR them to watch at my leisure. If you do this for awhile, you’ll figure out what/who’s good and what/who’s not. Hedy Lamar, Rita Hayworth, and Lana Turner blow doors on today’s hollywood “beauties” and Tracy, Bogart, and Cooper are the guy that todays stars wish they could be. I prefer a simple theme in movies and that is that doing the right thing always brings a happy ending. Right prevails and the good guy gets the girl! Too much nonsensical garbage coming out of hollywood nowadays. Ever get to the end of a movie and ask “what was that about”? When was the last time Hollywood made a Shawshank Redemption? Sorry for the rant, but nothing coming out of Hollywood today is helping America IMO.
  23. Floating in river current fishing a 1/8oz jighead I prefer spinning gear all day. Fishing the Upper Potomac is a prime example. I prefer casting gear for the techniques that I fish most often and enjoy the most. Sometimes it’s nice to tie on an underspin with a grub and mindlessly just cast and retrieve with spinning gear. No pressure and catches alot of fish.
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