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Everything posted by PEZCOREvolution

  1. hmm i never had much success with white..not sure why just never seem to get many hits with it
  2. watermelon seed zoom MAG II
  3. thanks a lot for the tips im going out in a few min and ill see how it goes
  4. ive used the bobber setup with live bait before and had some success..i just dont find it very much fun so i dont do it very much
  5. hey guys i'm new here, i looked around for a thread of this topic and couldn't find one so sorry if its already been posted..but i'm trying to figure out what colors you guys have the most success with when using plastics in a pond that has murky water..i have previously only used them in clear water down in florida and i found watermelon seed to work the best there, any help would be greatly appreciated!
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