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  1. I don't know about river tripping but in ponds and lakes I adore my Pelicans. I don't see those much on forums, I think the early HyDrves got a bad rap. I've never broke mine or had rudder problems. I can make 5 mph on the Garmin but not for long, I'm very old. 1.5-2 MPH is very sustainable for half hour or so; that takes me across the lake trolling and back to launch. YMMV.
  2. I'm a newbie and started a thread but here's where I am, I have two Pelicans, a Hunter sit in and a 13 HyDrve. I have put electronics on both with Garmin Striker 4, solar chargers, bow & stern lights, overhead lights, underwater lights, home made anchor trolleys and many pole holders. I carry them both on an 18 foot PJ trailer. All accessories to date have been found on Amazon. Since the Covid I don't go out I shop online and avoid public. And I'm too old to change. Love my Kayaks, till my sweepstakes come in. (grin)
  3. Hey Guys I'm out here in the middle of the olde USA. Like to hear from ya if you peddle and have electronics. Or any combinations. I also paddle my Hunter Pelican.
  4. I have both the 4 and the CV (which just died) in fact I replaced it with a 4, not impressed with the CV. I was just trying to hook it up on the blue brown wires through data and it says no transponder. I'm also new to boating and I assumed on the bigger boats only one transducer was required since they are sharing data. Any suggestions on two striker fours hooked together?
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