I can tell you from first hand traveling as a professional at anything is not what it seems. I played golf professionaly for 5 years on and off many mini tours which would equal the Stren Series and if you don't make it. It takes the fun out. I slept in cars ,ate saltine crackers and spagittioes for monthes at a time. One time in a Nike event I stayed in a tent at camp ground in Panama City that had an outdoor ping pong table (now that sux).
I have people come up to me and ask if they should turn professional and I would never want to discourge someone from chasing a dream. But be real. If you can't win at least 90% of your local or state tournaments then don't even think about it. You are only setting yourself up for failure. Which in turn takes the fun out of it.
I love fishing too much to hate what it would become!