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Everything posted by largemouthslayer

  1. I don't know what it is, but there's something about this post I like! : I agree 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%
  2. He should do one year of prison....then one year working at the humane society. Then maybe he can see the errors of his ways. But just because he found Jesus does not mean he doesn't have pay mans laws. What a IDIOT!
  3. I'm back... was out of town. Summer is when I play in golf tournaments. Lost my phone working on my "Money Pit" I mean MasterCraft .Found my phone in the boat this weekend. So everyone can see my beautiful face again. I thought you guys had banned me from the site. :'(
  4. Spoken amost like Barry Bonds wrote it himself. Yes if Tiger or anyone else at the top is "linked" to roids I'd be all over it. But golf doesn't have nearly as passionate of a following. Baseball is about mom, pop and apple pie. Somethings are almost sacrid(sp?) Bonds....Has he ever been charged with illegal steroid use?.....Has he ever tested positive? If the answer is no let GO! and for Tiger Woods have you seen him latley? I played golf for a living 1991 thru 1996 rumors then were Beta Blocker , Diazapans, Pain Killers withalot of players....I have two personal friends that won Nike events hooked on pain killers "no fear" so in golf there is a large number of people that elegedly use drugs to help their game. Is it right? I think we all know the anwser. Now Gary Player has accused players of using steroid and to be honest there could be some but again there is no testing in place at this time. But form my understanding on the PGA Tour HGH is huge out there and in other sports the problem with HGH you can't test for it.
  5. Go rent Black Snake Moan Samuel Jackson does a great job .....he's a retired Blues singer and really sings in the movie. I bought the sound track
  6. Look for an older green Curado maybe $75 ......Then again don't !You will be HOOKED for life. Best reel ever made!
  7. OK guys just if you need a Guide for Varner pay the $125.00 (Randall) ;D Ok that was a joke. Bishbear guided me around Varner a couple of weeks ago Here our day on the lake. 4:30 wake up ok I didn't sleep it was like X-MAS (I WAS FISHING VARNER) for the first time.As I'm I'm leaving my girl friend says "call me as some as you get there , it scares me you are fishing with someone you met on the internet" forgot to call 5:00 am lost call John he reels me in. 5:30 find his house get out of the car he says "you don't look like the guy in the picture " . OK THAT IS NOT ME I JUST DON"T KNOW HOW TO PUT A REAL PICTURE UP THERE. 6:30 on the water , I use trick worn jonh throws spinnerbait 8:00 till 11:00 we through everything in the boat. 3 hit non boated , 7 hang up . But had a BLAST. Ok to John's defence. Tournament the day before 25.something win's with one catching 2 ten pounders. Cold front moved in rain, wind, no, more rain , drizzle, . the odds were not in our favor. We spoke to maybe ten people an only 2 fish caught. I spoke with Randall a couple of days later and he said he caught ten later that afternoon , but he's a FREAK! John was a blast and I've made a new friend.
  8. OK I have ADD and fishing is how I learn to control it. I've learned that Senko fishing have helped the most because it's the slowest......but that will not solve the problem for you so here it what I suggest ."POWER FISHING" Teach him lots of different technices spinnerbait, slow , fast , jerking it or alot of top water spooks, sammy's. Not a straight retrieve have him focus on great form in working each bait and not just catching fish, I promise he will start catching more fish thus he will not get bored. then he can move to SENKO to control the ADD later. P.S. ask FISHBEAR that not really my photo ... uglier than that in person
  9. Just wondering if anyone would post a typical day on the lake .....how you start mid day and how you finish ... I know it changes with seasons so we will stay on a summer pattern. Here is mine. 100 acre lake 35 miles south of Atlanta I put the boat in at the dam 7 a.m. 1. Head for shallow coves throw Sammy's, Trick worm ,or Buzz bait 10 a.m. throw Jig or Ika, Senko around docks or stucture. 12 p.m. start throwing DD 22's in deep weed beds 2 p.m. Now I'm hot have only caught 2 fish in 4 hours 3 p.m. go home watch T.V. 4. 7 p.m. head back fishing docks and stucture 5. 8:30 tie on black Buzz bait and fish till I can't hold my eyes open. If you have any input please add ....just thought this might help all of us that are trying to learn.
  10. 10.2 caught on cold 38 degrees day and very windy.......7.8 caught two weeks ago 98 degrees middle of blue bird skies holding in 12 ft off water in grass beds. Maybe I need to fish when the weather is horrible hot or cold?
  11. Thank GOD there's someone else in the same boat as me with Spinnerbaits. I can't stand them, yet I still have them for some reason. Thank you Matt, you made my day! Man, I was too embarrassed to mention it. Spinnerbaits are at the top of my "lures that don't do jack for me," list. The weird thing is that I catch them on inline spinners, homemade ones to boot. But if my life depended on a bass caught on a spinnerbait, I'd be pushing daisies in not time flat. :-[ Then again, I hardly throw them and haven't take the time to learn to use them effectively. I even caught fish on the flying lure!!! Come on, spinnerbaits, give me a break! ;D I think there's more people that have no luck / don't like spinner baits then we think, they're just too shy to say it. When you hear spinnerbaits you think bass fishing, but I HATE them. I use the Banjo minnow with 100 times more success then a spinnerbait. Add me to the list. I have two full spinnerbait boxes and I can count the number of bass I have caught on a spinnerbait on one hand .. and it doesn't take that many fingers SPINNERBAITS.......WAIT TILL THE WIND IS BLOWING HARD TOU WILL CATCH PLENTY
  12. What Avid said.
  13. Welcome.
  14. Low Budget Hookers.......No commercials!
  15. GO DOGS! Can anyone say Matthew Stafford. I just hope we can keep the rest of our players out of bars. Beer seems to be a big thing at UGA. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....It's college. I'll be 14 rows up 40 yard line home side every Sat we are in Athens.
  16. I have to agree with Flechero......you have to had another cause not catching a fish. Just seems strange different models breaking in the same spot?
  17. Read an article yesterday where guys were baiting with tubes on the bottom and then tying a drop shot rig with a Senko or finesse worm above so they were fishing with two baits ....anyone else try this ?
  18. Has anyone tried both and can give a good opinion on which one you would choose. Mainly fishing Senko's . Senile 1 made the Powell suggestion and several other tournament fisherman has suggested.
  19. I will be fishing in very heavy grass . What is the best jig for not getting stuck and pulling up a 2 pound clump on every cast?
  20. Whats been your most productive way to fish it?
  21. Shimano Curado 7" ST Croix Avid #15 floro..... The reason some people use spinning gear is if the Senko flies off you get a bad birds nest .....since i've gone wacky I use 3/8 tubing slide it over the bait and it last 10 times longer .....but I perfer a baitcaster 98% of the time , although withall the finesse fishing alot of guys are using spinning gear. But not needed for Senko's they work great with a baitcaster.
  22. "I found the receipt from Bass Pro Shops oh H_ _l no a rod for $349.00! You're not going fishing today your going shopping with me at Saks!"
  23. Burley, Sorry for your post turning into this....my fault and I will take 100% blame. Flechero and I must both be type A's.For any new people reading this post it's not what the intent of this forum is about. As for you Flechero....My friend has 2 ranches in Coleman Tx. I go out there to hunt a few times a year or (that's what he thinks) they have what you guys in Texas call "tanks" that are loaded with trophy bass. PM your # and I would like to have you over as a piece offering.
  24. I'm in awe also. I'm sure it takes way to much patience for me. I would love to spend one week with one of them just to see how they handle their time.
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