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  1. Probably doing more fishing towards the warmer months. Does anybody have any experience with the diawa acculite, okuma Celilo, or 13 fishing fate steel?
  2. Thanks for your input, I get you can't do everything with perfect efficiency on a single rod but, unfortunately money is very much an object. I have brush choked streams covered, Im looking for a rod for open rivers. Thanks for your input and I'll have to think about what I'm going to use a rod for the most.
  3. I have discovered that I like fishing rivers for trout/salmon (I live fairly close to the north shore of lake superior) and I want to get a versatile rod I can use for that. From floating bobbers, to drifting, to inline spinners if it is possible to do that with one rod. I think I want about a 9' rod between L or ML but I'm not sure. And I want a spinning reel
  4. My inly worry is a ML would overlap too much with my hmx and not be able to throw the small crappy lures, I know this may be a bit broad of an application but i dont have a very large chunk of money to spend on fishing gear -jeff
  5. Sorry, i have an hmx spinning, and im looking at an eagle spinning, stream trout would be a secondary use, I would mostly use it for panfish and walleyes Im not sure if a light power model would be enough for the eyes which is why im here Thanks-Jeff
  6. I currently have a 6'6" medium power fenwick hmx and use for everything,but i have caught the gear buying bug. I'm looking for a rod I can use for finesse and lighter weight fishing, anything from panfish to small stream trout to vertical jigging for walleyes. I've been eyeing up the fenwick eagle and I'm wondering if I should get a light power model or if a medium light would overlap too much with my hmx Thanks for the advice and sorry if this is worded wrong
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