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David 7

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Everything posted by David 7

  1. It was the one about fisherman not fighting with each other (fly fisherman vs bass, inland vs costal etc) and then a PFD awareness one.
  2. I’m literally watching a Chad Hoover YouTube video as I type this ?
  3. Personally I’ve never understood comparing myself to other anglers, I chase my PB. But then again I’m not a very competitive person, I just like fishing lol.
  4. No but the lake in my town is residential, tons of homes on the shoreline with very limited public access. The only public access is a DEC long fishing pier which is quite the walk while car topping. I really shouldn’t complain though as there is an abundance of great public waters here in upstate NY.
  5. When watching the KBF tournaments, I sometimes wonder why they allow peddles, fish finders and all these other accessories. It would be cooler IMO if it was just a yak and a paddle. Far as a motor is concerned though, it’s a bit silly because at that point you should just get a john boat. But to each their own, whatever encourages people to get out and fish is a good thing. Personally I’ll stick with my 10 ft kayak, paddle, ugly stick and tackle box.
  6. If you’re going to go with an inflatable I’d say just get a dinghy. I use to have a Sea Hawk which was actually pretty decent. If you’re getting a kayak, just get a basic model and rig it with a Scotty clamp on rod holder and get a paddle clamp on holder. My fishing style is very recreational and basic; those two accessories are all I need for fishing.
  7. Just ordered a Pelican Trailblazer 100 NXT (sea foam). Should be here in about two weeks, stay tuned for pictures!
  8. Post spawn and definitely when it is raining. Good bait for the dog days of summer. Partial to the Lucky 13 personally.
  9. Not sure but because I use circle hooks on my senkos, I just reel it in without having to set the hook.
  10. One thing that makes me think it could be true is that for nearly 40 years the Great Sacandaga Lake had the world record pike, and though many big northerns have come out since, none nearly as big as the 46.2 lb one in 1940. I live about 35 minutes from there.
  11. Have to admit, there is something refreshing and simple about just measuring a bass instead of weighing it. I’ve been watching a lot of kayak fishing tournaments online and those measuring boards they have make a lot of sense. Also seems easier and quicker. Thinking about getting one.
  12. As far as postal scales are concerned, my grandfather caught the second biggest bass recorded in NYS in 1969 (for that year) on Cossayuna Lake. He took it right to the post office and they weighed it there, so that definitely was a thing long ago.
  13. There is a nearby pond that gets very little pressure which is my honey hole. Also I sometimes feel like stretches of the river are kind of like a secret spot because everyone neglects it for the more popular recreational lakes nearby. Which I’ll never understand; you fish where the fish are.
  14. I’ve never heard of a spotted bass or mean mouth (are they the same thing?) before. Only largemouth, smallmouth, and rock bass here in upstate NY that I know of at least.
  15. Cruise the banks you use to fish off of but do it your yak. Or just take a break and go back to the shore for a while, nothing wrong with that. Just because you have a kayak now doesn’t mean you can’t still fish from the bank.
  16. If that’s what it takes! ?
  17. Caught this one today, how much do you all think this weighs? Caught it mid morning on a senko.
  18. Went fishing alone this morning and crushed it, got 9 bass in an hour or so. My biggest was this one. I’m sorry the picture is sideways.
  19. I meant to type 10 mph, kind of embarrassed now ha ?.
  20. I use to have a Sea Hawk (about 15 years ago), really enjoyed it and it was a very convenient and strong little dinghy. Eventually I sold it and bought a small 8ft Emotion Comet kayak. After a few years I sold the kayak in order to upgrade, but never did. Have been bank fishing since. Have been saving up for a kayak again but seriously thinking about getting another Sea Hawk. I always liked it and never had to worry about car topping. I’m honestly surprised they’re not more popular than they are, especially with the price point. Below is a stock photo.
  21. I pretty much exclusively throw senkos anyhow so already doing this ha. Have never heard of this though, thought conventional wisdom would just be to toss the same thing that made them bite in the first place. Learn something new everyday on this forum. And that of course is a very good thing.
  22. If you could have only one rod and reel for recreational purposes, what would they be? Mine is a modest Ugly Stick combo, I'm really curious as to what yours would be.
  23. Not sure, I've always used the clinch knot my whole life for fishing. I don't use weights or football heads etc either, the wacky rig with a 5" senko with a hook already has a decent weight on it I think. But you should always experiment if you're thinking about it already, see if it increases your landing ratio.
  24. I went out on the Great Sacandaga (Fulton County NY) on Monday and lost quite a few fish, but wasn't quite sure why. I was wacky rigging some Yamamoto's with very light tackle, was using circle hooks, and 6lb fluoro. Think it may have been a combination of factors, but next time will be using my Ugly Stick and 15 lb braided line. Think it was my soft rod tip and circle hooks that were the culprits. All the bites were small mouths, would get them on the hook and then they would throw it, even after I thought I set the hook.
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