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David 7

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Everything posted by David 7

  1. No length unfortunately, packed real light today on the bank.
  2. Thank you! Good old GYCB #297 WR. Threw right in front of some very heavy cover. Didn’t even feel it but saw my line moving.
  3. Sorry that the photos are sideways.
  4. I too am an Ugly Stick guy but I’m thinking about upgrading this off season for my Christmas present. Have my eye on the 7’ MH Abu Garcia MLF spinning combo. I have to see it in person though because if I don’t think the tip is strong enough than that’s a deal breaker. It looks nice online though.
  5. I don’t have a boat (kayak guy) but could you use a shop vac and then cover it?
  6. I made the mistake of being caught on the Mohawk River last week during a storm. The report called for 40% rain, figured I’d tough it out. Sure enough, it started raining an hour after I got on the water. I seeked shelter under a major bridge in my kayak, but as soon as the thunder and lightning started, I paddled back quicker than I ever had before. Not making that mistake again.
  7. That’s great, awesome angler, nice guy and puts out great content. I was actually up near the St Lawrence River for a week (Canton NY) for work but to my dismay, fishing is illegal in St Lawrence County until bass season opens up. In other words, there is no catch and release season on the St Lawrence River. I literally left the day before bass season opened.
  8. Heddon Lucky 13, especially when it’s raining.
  9. Ballston Lake here, right next to Clifton park.
  10. Think the Nucanoe F10 is about the closet you're going to get, and that's 10 ft long. Be prepared though as the MSRP is $1399.
  11. Always wondered what the purpose of red hooks are, is it supposed to imitate a bleeding bait?
  12. There are so many in my home lake, but haven’t hooked into one.. yet. I have no idea what I would do so I guess this thread is good for me to prepare!
  13. Same! My rig consists of a 10ft Pelican Trailblazer (sit in), clamp on Scotty rod holder and paddle clip, my Ugly Stick combo, tackle box, paddle, a bottle of water and a coffee can for when nature calls ? I do like watching the KBF guys, but my style is just super relaxed, slow, and non competitive. As you put it, just about being on the water.
  14. There are definitely advantages to it, I shouldn’t criticize it. I guess I just think that a lot of what I see in the KBF tournaments are unnecessary but it’s not my place to put it down. I’m seeing kayak fishing change before my eyes and sometimes I complain about it, but to each their own.
  15. These are going to be the ones I order, thank you. Would a 3/0 be too big?
  16. Building off my question from yesterday, what’s the best type of hook in your opinion? Please include name brand and size. The premise is 5” GYCB senkos, wacky rigged.
  17. I’d say just go ahead and contact them, they should be able to help you out.
  18. I know this is an old thread but I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m in upstate New York and the idea of a sit on top for fishing is a no go up here; way too cold in early spring and late fall for all that. Plus, you’ll stay dry in a sit in. Also all you need to add to a basic sit in is a clamp on Scotty rod holder and clamp on paddle clip and voila, fishing kayak. Sit ins seem to be out of fashion for kayak fishing right now for whatever reason, but as far as I’m concerned, they are the real kayaks. To each their own though of course.
  19. It was definitely weird, no press release or anything. Seems like they made a really good product too. Had strong marketing as well.
  20. My Pelican Trailblazer 100 NXT is 35lbs and that’s about as light as a kayak can get. Car topping and transportation is a breeze. It’s very sturdy but I wouldn’t stand up in it. You’re probably gonna need a sit on top with some weight to it. FWIW there really isn’t a need to stand in a kayak while fishing IMO. Or you could just get a paddle board and pack very light. There are backpacks that let you carry light tackle and a two piece rod on your back. Man whatever happened to Malibu kayaks? They looked great but I don’t think they’re making products anymore.
  21. Milfoil has invaded a nearby lake near me, Round Lake in upstate NY. DEC has workers posted there during the day checking peoples boats, but the damage has been done. Virtually the entire shoreline is covered in milfoil, all the way to the top of the water.
  22. Senkos, and just in case, a can of night crawlers to fend off the skunk monster.
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