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David 7

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Everything posted by David 7

  1. Good to know! I grew up on Cossayuna which is right next to that pond.
  2. It really dawned on me how great, generally speaking, the fishing community really is. After going to the gym I scoped out a nearby pond in the town next to me that I’ve never been to. Was wondering if people can put a kayak in, and saw a gentlemen with a small pedal boat loading up his truck. Approached him and we got to talking. He told me the lowdown on everything with the pond, and even shared some info on his favorite spot in another nearby county. He even offered to let me try out his Ugly Stick Carbon combo because I commented on it (have been thinking about buying one). I likewise shared some info on my favorite pond which was nearby. We really do have a good community, and this forum is an obvious testament to that. Just feeling grateful this evening. Fishermen tend to be good folks.
  3. When it’s super slow and you begin to lose confidence turn to the senko. If that doesn’t work then turn to night crawlers. You will catch something with night crawlers.
  4. I think it’s all about perspective. When I think about how much I would have to invest (truck, boat, motor, DMV, maintenance fees etc) and learn just to own and maintain a boat, I’m not sure that’s worth it. It’s obviously the superior way to cover the most water, don’t think anyone disputes that. But the simplicity of kayak fishing has its own value. Most importantly it gets so many of us off the bank.
  5. Scary stuff, how does this happen? I don’t really know anything about blue algae, I’m guessing it’s an invasive species?
  6. I wouldn’t even know how to use one but because I pretty much fish exclusively with soft plastics, there’s no need for me to switch from spinning.
  7. I bank fish a nearby residential pond that receives very little fishing pressure because the shoreline is typically covered in goose poop. That don’t stop me though, I throw on an old pair of sandals and do what I gotta do ?
  8. Good idea! I do have a buddy who’s stepdad has a boat and we go on that every now and then, I’ll ask him. I really enjoy kayak fishing and right now at age 40, it works great. 20 years from now I might need a boat though.
  9. The idea of owning a boat is pretty intimidating for someone like me, I’ve never even driven one, I wouldn’t know where to start.
  10. Probably my grandfather, but even that I’m not sure. I grew up spending my summers at our family camp on a lake and everyone bass fished there. I’ve been bass fishing since before I can even remember.
  11. I’m very careful not to get snagged in trees because it’s a pain and there is no guarantee I can completely get out of it without leaving line behind. I probably can, but can’t guarantee it. I pretty much avoid any real risky cast unless the spot looks irresistible.
  12. Glad you’re enjoying it! We can’t cover as much water as the guys with a motor, but it sure beats bank fishing. Personally I wouldn’t even know how to maintain a bass boat and I don’t have a truck. Kayak fishing is the best option for me. I fish blind/ instinctively and really enjoy being at water level. It is very calming.
  13. Oh yes, I get excited even when I get a little nibble and I can tell it’s a dink. Get excited watching MLF, buying more gear, you name it. Fishing is the best. Never gets old. Do it brother, being stressed/ anxious and fishing shouldn’t go together. I’ll never do a tournament (don’t use electronics anyway so I really can’t), it’s always me vs my PB. ?
  14. Almost got skunked today if it wasn’t for this little guy. Back on my old stomping grounds in Cossayuna Lake. Lots of memories, very few bites!
  15. Welcome! I’m on the opposite side of the state (Saratoga County), though I am a Sabres fan!
  16. I live upstate and only go to Long Island when visiting my in laws. Thinking about using this charge annually if I like it, but either way definitely won’t be stealing his spots.
  17. Can’t catch bass on a frog no matter what I do. I’d just drop a senko right on the outskirts of that.
  18. Good point. Admittedly I’m out of my element as I know nothing about saltwater at the moment.
  19. Ugly Stick is coming out with a new combo but honestly, it’s kind of underwhelming. The reel looks good and seems nicer than the Shakespeare that normally comes with, but my current ugly rod is just as good. I’d rather just get the reel. It says it’s made for saltwater (the reel) but it’s only a medium rod. I think it’s for saltwater. I guess it would be good for that application.
  20. No matter what I do, can’t catch a bass on a frog. I know the big ones are often times where that’s the only thing you can throw, but have yet to ever catch one on a frog. If it wasn’t for the testimony of all of you, and videos on YouTube, I’d be convinced that it doesn’t even work. Think I’m meant to be a senko guy.
  21. I really appreciate what MLF does for the sport and more importantly, the hobby/ fishing as a whole. I think their model for tournament fishing is the best we have seen yet. The KBF tournament is pretty cool too, though it would be a lot cooler if it were just paddles and no electronics IMHO. Either way, I can watch both of these tournaments on YouTube all day long.
  22. I was up there (Canton) the week before it opened up for bass season. Interestingly enough, there is no catch and release season. It’s illegal to fish it out of season. Probably why Wheeler was able to crush it so hard lol.
  23. Get some nightcrawlers and go to town. You’ll catch something no doubt about that.
  24. As soon as I bought a kayak to access more waters to fish, I started doing much better from the bank.
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