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David 7

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Everything posted by David 7

  1. True, but if it's a PB or near PB I really want to get my mug in there!
  2. I've noticed that so many people use a fluoro leader on their braided line. Nothing wrong with that, and can imagine that the visibility factor of the line may be somewhat of a benefit. My question is, doesn't this reduce the hook setting strength/ advantage that comes with using braided line?
  3. Good point here. I do take the selfies when alone, but it's always a hassle and not what I want to have to concern myself with after landing a catch. It always takes a few moments (seconds) more than I would like. Perhaps it's time for me to get a selfie stick? Nah, couldn't bring myself to do that ha.
  4. It is absolutely worth it IMO, in fact, I think bass fishing in a kayak is the best if fishing alone. You really have to keep an eye on the weather forecast though; if there is going to be more than 5mph wind or so, I wouldn't take one out. The only real downside to kayak fishing is that you can't take anyone with you. But then again, what do I know.. don't even have a truck so couldn't tow a boat even if I had one!
  5. I normally fish alone but I do have a fishing buddy that I just fished with yesterday, hoping we start fishing together more often. As people get older, it's more difficult to balance work/ life schedules and try to fit in a fishing trip. That's why I normally fish alone. I use to have a small kayak, but don't anymore. Now I just fish from the shore though my fishing buddy does have boat which is really nice of course.
  6. I would go with a spinning reel but then again, I've never used a baitcasting reel! I like using an Ugly Stick with braided line for finesse fishing. Some might thumb their nose at that but I think it works just fine. Once I get a fish on the line, I want to make sure I get it in the boat or on shore with me. If that means missing a few bites because my rod tip isn't sensitive enough, so be it.
  7. Hello everyone, I'm new here (obviously) and look forward to talking with all of you. I stumbled upon this forum while doing a search about Ugly Stick reviews. I'm from upstate NY and have been fishing all of my life; grew up spending my summers at Cossayuna Lake and always go fishing when I can. I like fishing the Mohawk River, Round Lake, Ballston Lake, Saratoga Lake and the Great Sacandaga. Also, as my username implies, I like fishing with senkos, wacky rig style.
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