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David 7

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Everything posted by David 7

  1. That’s fair but I fish exclusively with WR so that’s why I suggested that.
  2. Easy solution to this, circle hooks. Just reel it in.
  3. I wish MLF would live stream on YouTube and keep the videos up. Their content is great, I just wish there was more of it!
  4. I had a smallie break off my line the other day and I still feel bad about it, think I tied my knot in haste while changing lures and that was the culprit. Poor little guy probably still has a circle hook w senko in his mouth. Definitely learned my lesson but I’m still feeling bad about it.
  5. This little smallie kept the skunk away this afternoon.
  6. I have a Pelican Trailblazer 100 NXT which is about $250. It’s a 10 ft sit in kayak and is very light. I know there are much more fancier kayaks out there but honestly I wouldn’t trade it for anything else. Super light weight and very durable. Great for taking to ponds and small lakes.
  7. Not bass but caught 17 of these porgies and two sea bass yesterday on Long Island Sound.
  8. I’m right handed, right hand goes in the mouth, left hand supports the rest.
  9. This comes to mind.
  10. Don’t know about the scent aspect but I imagine that their shelf life would outlive their owner.
  11. I did notice that MLF had their tourney on the St Lawrence River immediately after it opened up for bass season… there is no catch and release allowed in that area prior to the NYS bass season opening. I suspect that is why that river performed so well with smallies.
  12. Funny story, last week I saw two big clumps of grass surface and the way it was shaped it looked like a small alligator. I was in my kayak and was very startled. Here’s the thing though… I’m in New York.
  13. I don’t think that one person alone can pressure a pond, I wouldn’t worry about it. Fishing new waters is always exciting but I’m of the train of thought that you are better off knowing two or three ponds very well and just sticking with them. It’s also the dog days of summer right now, things should pick up in the fall.
  14. I’ve always just thrown it out into the regular garbage. I’m assuming that contained in a garbage bag, and in a landfill, it can’t do any harm.
  15. I suspect that the popularity and influence of both MLF and KBF will eventually turn the tide for local tournaments. The CPR movement (if it can be called that) is stronger than ever. Humbly I think that’s a good thing. Not just for fisheries, but for the bass themselves. If we’re not going to eat them, we should want to ensure that they live.
  16. I’ll be in Northport next week visiting my in laws. Are there any places nearby that are good for shore fishing for bass? I am going on a charter in Port Jeff for some saltwater fishing but I would like to get some bass fishing in as well if possible.
  17. I’m hit or miss but I don’t get hung up on trees so that puts me ahead of the game in my book. I saw one of the pros (don’t remember who) say that the first step to being a better bass fisherman is improved casting accuracy. It does make since especially if you’re throwing into heavy cover.
  18. I just fish with a 7ft MH spinning Ugly Stick. I fish mainly senkos so this setup is perfect for me. It’s not the lightest or most sensitive rod but it’s all I know.
  19. I’ve always suspected this. If you see a good spot, stay back and cast into it. Be stealth and stay back.
  20. I’m really liking Sufix Elite 12# Can’t really imagine mono ever getting better than this. Low memory, soft, strong, good to tie knots with. Stretches but not too much stretch.
  21. There’s a pond that I fish that has a lot of cheese, and another has a a lot of wood. Mono is fine in heavy pond scum but admittedly it has its limitations.
  22. You know the more I think about it, after watching videos of people using them, I’m not so sure I want one now. It just seems so alien to me. I probably will just stick with my Ugly Stick spinning combo. Also I don’t like braid I’m a mono guy anyway.
  23. All of the baitcasting reels I’m seeing have the handle on the right side, are people supposed to hold the rod with their weak hand and reel with their strong hand?
  24. Is this a good option? The gear ration is 6.2.1 not sure if that is fast enough. I’m not familiar with the brand but I like that it’s a combo and the rod length I want. https://www.academy.com/shop/pdp/h2o-xpress-7-ft-frog-rod-and-reel-combo
  25. I could go over a bit but want to stay in that ballpark. If it’s worth it, faster tip or higher gear ratio etc. But I don’t want to spen a lot more just for comfort.
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