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Everything posted by Jmurphy87

  1. Thank you, I agree 100% I fish both presentations with the same degree of focus and technique, I think it’s because you catch smaller fish along with larger ones is the reason they seem to hit a Texas rig harder at times for me.
  2. In my limited experience with jigs I find that the bites are more subtle than a Texas rig, most of the time. Sometimes they slam it most of the time they don’t, it all comes down to being able to detect the subtle differences that come down to something is not normal. Some of my Texas rig bites I never felt at all it was the difference in weight on my line is how I knew something had it. I also don’t have very much experience with bigger fish like most of you guys but that’s why I enjoy fishing, the challenge of getting better at something that I am not good at yet.
  3. No pictures tonight got to the park with a hour to go at around 8:15pm park attendant told us we had a hour before they were closing, I said thank you and that I know I have been here before. I got the wife’s pole rigged up with a little whopper ploper, told her I would check the water temperature for our 12 week old son, gonna make a few quick cast. Less than 10 cast caught a 12 inch dink lol. Still throwing the black and blue buzz bait, unhooked him and let him go and told the wife to go fish there here and active. I went back to our son and started feeding him a bottle and maybe 10 minutes later she caught a little 5 inch bass lol. I caught a fish at least they ended up closing the park at 8:50 pm oh well on to the next time.
  4. Nothing special from me tonight unfortunately caught two the bigger one shook my hook as I was wading back to shore unfortunately ? I have a funny feeling that is was the same fish I caught the other night though. The smaller one looks just like the one from Wednesday night and I caught them both in there same respective locations. Felt good to get a redemption fish after losing the first one ?. I am really starting to like night fishing. Lure of the night was a 1/2 ounce black and blue buzz bait with a 1/0 trailer hook. I had to decide between a 3/0 or the 1/0 so I went with the smaller one whether that was the right call or not I don’t know.
  5. I have a jackal firecracker buzz bait, the blade is a gold color I don’t think it’s bronze though.
  6. Yeah that’s the first thing I did when I got home. I am guessing around 20 inches long, the label on the rod is at 18 inches or so.
  7. Well tonight was productive for sure got a new pb and of course I still don’t have a scale. No clue how much it weighs but it’s definitely bigger than my one from earlier this year. I actually had someone with me who could take a picture for me ? I also got my wife to catch her first fish on a soft plastic so it was a good night. Caught it on a Tennessee shad gunfish lucky craft, who said going to ollies to get dog poop bags wouldn’t pay off lol. The only one they had to, it is hard working one on a spinning rod when you’re use to using a casting rod lol.
  8. Well I guess they wanted the revolver again tonight lol, I think I am going to change out the hooks on them though. The stock hooks seem huge, so now I have caught fish on the lure I bought the black one and the lure I found in a tree the bone one. Nothing special really just a couple fish, although it’s my first time catching bass at night though ?
  9. Got out for a hour and a half this morning, headed to my normal pond to see if it was still flooded really bad still. They were not blowing up on the surface like normal this morning. The good news is that the water level is still high but it’s going down. Water was colder than I thought it would be. I caught 4 fish on a bone revolver. First one came off when I was wading towards the bank. I got the second and third one landed and the fourth one came off on the fight in my fault hook set was not quite right. Nothing big but still a fish is a fish, doesn’t help that my standards are that a fish has to be over 18 inches before I consider it decent.
  10. Finally after 5 stores I found a place that carries cutter worms ? I am so happy ! The place had a good selection of different colors than I normally see and different plastics that I haven’t seen around my normal stores. I can’t ever recall seeing rage tail lizards or Yamamoto kut tail worms in stores near me.
  11. I usually get loads of gills out of there, friend got a 18 inch last year out of there. But for the most part it’s really hit or miss. Definitely not the best lake, I would say what you experienced was normal, it can be hard to find them there. Hope I was helpful.
  12. Nothing special really just two small fish, but at least I caught something again with only a hour of time to fish. I use to get skunked here all the time now I catch fish like these, that’s a improvement.
  13. I have a GLX 894 currently for my jigs and that does pretty good for everything I need. I also have one conquests rod a 844 and that’s really nice also. I had a 843 but it snapped into three pieces on a hook set on a dink with light line, currently waiting to get a warranty replacement on that but knowing my luck the season will be over before I get it back no clue. I find myself using my two poison adrena rods the most though, they are probably some of my favorite rods for value.
  14. Not that I know of, I have looked near the rage tail section and all I ever see is craws, bugs, space monkeys. Although with the store remodeling things keep moving every few weeks lol, that makes it dangerous for me and the bait monkey. I go in for one thing and spend 30 minutes in there trying to find what I went to buy and usually come out with more.
  15. No stores around me even carry them, been wanting to try them. I just have to convince myself that I will have to order some online I guess. I even have a hard time finding speed worms.
  16. I have only caught a turtle on mine so far lol, doesn’t stop me from trying though.
  17. Not too bad, figuring out my local pressured lake slowly but surely. 8 inch king tail in June bug with a rattle in it had to fight him through the salad lol..
  18. Nothing special today just a nice little chunky small bass, about 13-14 I am assuming didn’t take my measuring tape today. I am happy to catch something at least tried out a new style hook and knot and had success. I will say anything is better than Monday lol I got my new kayak out on a lake I have never fished before from 11:30 am till about 9 pm and didn’t catch a single thing, well if we don’t count a nasty sunburn on my legs lol. I just knew I should have put my deep cranking rod in the car on Monday, but that’s what you get for not doing your research on a new lake you’re going to.
  19. I will throw in another vote for the tatula elite, I got one for my frog rod and I love it it cast far enough for me and has been reliable. I want to try a fuego eventually but haven’t got around to buying one yet. I own a tatula sv tatula elite and a steez a tw, haven’t been let down daiwa yet.
  20. Well no pictures again tonight I was wading a lake, definitely not keeping my phone in my pocket for pics lol. I feel good finally got around to catching some on a fat ika probably 10 fish mostly dinks. Caught my last fish of the day he put up a good fight, hooked up and the next thing you see is him jumping straight out of the water about 18 inches, lowered my rod tip kept tension fought him right next to me went to grab him fish acrobatics again this time he threw the hook ?never got to hold him but he was right next to me, probably 16 inches or so. I thought about it was probably time to retie my hook when he threw it it snapped off lol. All in all it was a good night and the bonus was I only used one soft plastic for 1.5 hours.
  21. A little something something, smaller beaver fried watermelon, sweet beaver green goby, 2 packs spicy beaver one blank check and the last is sungill, two sexy dawg hard knock and last but not least 3 packs of rattles in different sizes.
  22. The monkey ? beat me over the head today, I don’t know if I should be happy or sad lol.
  23. My wife asked me why I was going to go fishing in the rain, I told her that I had a feeling top water was calling. Nothing special but I got my first few buzz bait fish today and my first frog fish of the year ? I would have had 2 on the frog but I think I blew the hook set, too early I think. He was on but came off oh well I am great full either way. Buzz bait fish 18.5x11.5 frog fish 17x12 it was a good day.
  24. Well I finally caught my first jig fish today, three total on the jig nothing huge 13-14 inches but I am extremely happy ?. Caught a 16 inch on a walking bait while getting my braid hung up on a log lol. Went to get my line off it and it exploded on my lure just setting there. The thing I am most happy about today is that I put my soon to be 14 year old daughter on her pb largemouth, of all things a nose hooked super fluke white with chartreuse tail, her first time ever using that bait. 18 inches long and 11.5 girthh
  25. I know by experience that rods made before 2020 don’t need proof of purchase. I recently had my conquest 843mbr snap into three pieces on the hook set of a 12 inch bass, was only running 10lb invis x and the drag was not locked down all the way on my metanium b xg. Had to check my email I received when I inquired about the issue and that is what they told me.
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