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Waymon Ellis Meadows

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  1. LAZY? I go trolling 2-3 times a week; catch my noon meal and go home. I get to the lake at dawn and fish about two hours. I am 84 years old and enjoy the quite relaxing experience. I am not lazy I have a garden; grow vegetable for my neighbors and deliver them on my 3 wheel red bike. Your criticism is not appreciated; I work 16 hours daily; sometimes I take a nap. Raised 10 kids, sent them to college, on missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Married to the same wife for 46 years and yes, she had all 10 kids. We have over 30 grandchildren, and some great grandchildren. Served as a Bishop and Stake President. Lazy? Because I enjoy trolling instead of casting all the time. Lazy? Do you work 16 hours a day? If not are you lazy? lazy [ˈlāzē] ADJECTIVE 1. unwilling to work or use energy. "he was too lazy to cook" ·  [more] synonyms: idle · indolent · slothful ·  [more] · characterized by lack of effort or activity. "lazy summer days" synonyms: idle · indolent · slothful ·  [more] · showing a lack of effort or care. "lazy writing" synonyms: idle · indolent · slothful ·  [more] Yyes, this is my comments.
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