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Everything posted by woodpro1102

  1. I must say, yesterday when I took my boat out for the first time my 5" dinger landed half on and half off a pad and right at impact the water just exploded and the bass just destroyed it. The fish was only a pound and a half but man was that awesome. This kind of stuff keeps me going. Alex
  2. Can we please get back to the crank baits. Everyone shares good points but everyone made right with eachother so lets just move on. I am new to cranks so I am enjoying the read about them. Thanks guys. Alex
  3. Thanks for the heads up guys. On the site locator its says a store was supposed to open near me in 2005 yet it still says the store is a "future store" when I click on it. Alex
  4. I will happily be the first to say that those look sweet. When are you shipping some my way? :-P
  5. I use this and for just a little over $3 you really cant go wrong. Like stated, they hold both spinners and buzz baits. My only complaint is there is no room in my bag for it so I forget it at home WAY to often. Alex
  6. One word. IGNORANCE.
  7. What if we had some kind of event at the big lakes in our areas for fishermen or people that just want to help out. Whoever brings in the most trash gets a new rod/reel or something like that. It would be cheaper for the city to buy a nice rod and reel then it would be to pay their guys to do it. Its just an idea and probably wont happen but I just wanted to throw my idea out there. I wont even get into people taking fish that they shouldnt be taking.
  8. All you guys talking about tools just reminds me of how bad the tool monkey gets me every time im in home depot. After the tool monkey gets me its only a matter of time before the lumber monkey gets me. Back on topic about the GFX card, im stilling running my old GeForce 6600 lol. Glad you like the new card! Alex
  9. Looks like you have a chance to make back a little of the money you spend on blanks and paint. I am very impressed with these and cant wait to see more from you. Alex
  10. This kid was a nut case. Gotta love his tomb raider pose at the end of his video though. Dont know what was going through his head but I am glad we have one less killer to worry about.
  11. That is the same fish and is amazing to say the least. Awesome job my friend. Alex
  12. Awesome job. I know you said you werent selling them but if you ever change your mind I wouldnt mind buying one. I want to start a collection of custom baits. They will most likely be to look at only in a nice display or something. Keep up the great work. Alex
  13. Wow, and I thought it was just R.I. that had an out of control litter problem. We do have it pretty bad. Thing that ticks me off is especially at gorton pond right near the bank before the police station most of the trash is clearly from anglers. I think people should be more harsh on littering. Next time you see someone throw something on the ground rub their face in it, smack them on the nose and tell them how bad they are. Alex Gortons is 2 miles from my house. I have never fished there. I wanna give it a shot, maybe put the boat in at Ericksons and go under the bridge. I know you can get a boat in there but are you sure you can get one under the bridge? There are some decent sized fish in there as far as I know.
  14. Dicks has been having some great sales. Matzuo crank baits were 50% off! They only had a few left but I was happy with what I got for the price. Alex
  15. Wow, and I thought it was just R.I. that had an out of control litter problem. We do have it pretty bad. Thing that ticks me off is especially at gorton pond right near the bank before the police station most of the trash is clearly from anglers. I think people should be more harsh on littering. Next time you see someone throw something on the ground rub their face in it, smack them on the nose and tell them how bad they are. Alex
  16. Nice! What do you catch with it?
  17. Because you know that as soon as you switch lures is when the fish was going to bite the one you had tied in the first place. Alex
  18. Juice your time with him as much as you can. I have never met my father but my step father has been around since the first grade and I didnt apreciate him as much as I should have. I think the fact that he wasnt my real father had alot to do with it but that is besides the point. From first grade til I was almost 16 I put my parents through hell. When I was around 16 I cooled off a little but 2 weeks after my 16th birthday we got in another fight and I left. I didnt speak with either one of them or my little brother for almost 3 years and believe me, I regret it now. Everything is great between me and my family now and even though I am still trying make up for lost time I still feel I have wasted so much of it. I know this isnt what you wanted to hear but you need to do everything in your power to spend as much time with them as possible. I know it might be hard and I never would have been able to do it at your age but tell him you miss doing things with him. Alex
  19. You heard the man!!!! We want pictures!!!!!!!!
  20. He doesnt mean real frogs lol. Nice job on the lures, I can clearly see your progress so far. Keep it up! Alex
  21. I love chatter baits. Just started using them and was "hooked" when I caught a 2 pounder on my second cast with one. I bought a few more after that just incase I lose one. You gotta love the way you can feel it on the end of your line. Alex
  22. What the hell happened!? That through a nice curveball to the way I thought things were going to end up. I LOVE IT!!!
  23. If ya dont know, chances are you are one! Alex
  24. Thats a good one! Have that on a tee shirt with a bass flipping out of the water in a check mark shape. I like it. And to go with the "Got Mook?" have a bass with a milk mustache. Alex
  25. Thanks for the great laugh guys. This trip sounds like its worth the money for the laughs alone never mind the fishing! Hope I can get out there with you guys in the future. Alex
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