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  1. Functional's post in Pleased to announce I have a boat was marked as the answer   
    @SirWoogie It may be overboard but I'm a firm believe in having a lot more than needed when it comes to batteries. If you can find a way to swing it I'd put the two 125s in parallel and sell the 100. 
  2. Functional's post in Echomap questions was marked as the answer   
    I set it according to garmin.
    TVG: depends on the depth and the image. it helps boost return signal brightness if you tend to get a weak return. The lower the setting the less boost, the higher the setting the more boost. If I'm struggling to get a decent image I'll play with this a little to get a better return. Typically I'm on Low.
    Interference: Adjusts for any electromagnetic interference. According to garmin you should use the lowest setting possible to eliminate any interference. Should show up as lines in your imaging. Below is an example, you can either fix the problem or play with this setting to hopefully eliminate it. I run mine on Off with my setup.

  3. Functional's post in Lure ID Please was marked as the answer   
    Yum Christie Craw

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