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  • Gender
  • Location
    East Raleigh, NC
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Black Lake NY
  • Other Interests
    Long range shooting competition, Building clone rifles.

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  • About Me
    I fish, therefore I am poor.

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Community Answers

  1. I use them to write on reusable dope cards. Very water resistant in some heavy rain. Never tried it underwater but I'd suspect you'd get some good use before it degraded any.
  2. For that state (and most people) its not a bad rule at all lol. The DEP guys info I believe, was no decision on the mountain lions when I last talked to him so they very well might not have. The wolf thing I was hearing from people living up there. I've heard a coyote called a wolf a few times though and after having seen wolves up close before there would be no mistaking the difference.
  3. Took a shooting class with a DEP/C guy. I was told they planned to release some in the hudson valley because of an over population of deer. Also followed up with a story of how they loaded up a dumpster full of deer one night around one of the small cities due to all the car accidents and property destruction. Maybe a year later I was hearing about sightings for mountain lions in my area in Dutchess County. If you google it there is no sustainable population, but its not denied they are there. Kind of further backs up what I'd been told/hearing. Around that same time I was hearing the Canadian wolfs were making their way down south into far upstate NY. No idea what its like now or if it was just their territory and not expanding.
  4. Not that bigger LMB cant be caught on those lakes (certainly can) the more notable ones for the state are by Raleigh (jordan, falls, shearon harris). If you stay on the east side of Raleigh you can still stretch out to High Rock/Badin in about 1.5hrs. As for non fishing things to do there is plenty at either place. @LrgmouthShad , @Pat Brown and maybe even @Choporoz might be able to help you with the lakes you listed.
  5. The lizard has been my dad's go to plastic the last few years. He does pretty well with a 5 or 6" Zoom Lizard in pumpkin everywhere from northern lakes to southern lakes. Just a hook and a split shot just in front of the hook (weight pending depth and wind) and slowly drags it on the bottom.
  6. Where in NC you plan on going? I catch both in similar areas. If you are going for LMB you are likely to fall into a Spot. I hit schools of them more off shore on submerged points or long tapering points that drop off on the sides. The bigger ones I'll hit where I get LMB. If you eat bass the spots in most lakes (if not all) have no limit on size or quantity to keep. They are "invasive".
  7. They can set alarms for those beds when you get out....ask me how I know lol.
  8. I carry everywhere except work. Its on me until I'm on my boat and away from shore, then it goes under the seat. Goes right back on me a few hundred feet before I dock anywhere.
  9. I've owned 2 kayaks and use my wife's from time to time for fishing still. All 3 are paddle kayaks and I can confidently say the day that I buy another kayak it will 1000% at a minimum be peddle of some type. Half the time in here you see a key to bass fishing is boat position, well be prepared to fight for decent boat position 75% of the time in a kayak and 99% of the time with any wind or current. Its still better than shore fishing in a lot of ways but there are plenty of struggles with a paddle. Just realize that if you have to go paddle. Maybe a canoe is different but this has been my experience.
  10. You should add an electric vest. I wear it just over my undershirt and then layer over it. Turn it on about 30 minutes before you go out and its heavenly. Used to ride my motorcycle into work in upper 30s low 40s in NY. Then I moved south and got used to the temps here and for sure cannot adjust back when I go and visit. My brother in law has on shorts and I'm next to him layered up. Woke up the other day and all the cracking from my joints getting out of bed sent my wife into a fit of laughter. She claims if our baby was still in our room it would have woke him him 🙄. I'm only 37....not looking good lol.
  11. Thinking of you bud. I think one of the toughest parts is to be in between the maybe and maybe not. Hoping you get answers soon.
  12. @Choporoz You should try a eastern NC sauce. Coming from NY I always thought BBQ should have a ketchup based sauce but I feel like the Eastern NC you can have a wider variety of flavor profiles. The vinegar with the pork is, in my, opinion a nicer blend of flavors. Here is one I've been making that's been a hit with nearly everyone I've made it for. JJ's Finishing Sauce 2C Apple Cider Vinegar 2T Worcestershire Sauce (or more to taste) 1/4C Brown Sugar 1T Smoked Paprika 2tsp Granulated Garlic 2tsp Granulated Onion 2tsp Fine Grind Black Pepper 1tsp Celery Salt 1tsp Cayenne Pepper (more if you like spice) 1/2tsp Ground Allspice Optional: I've added Red Pepper flake, some have subbed cayenne for Red Pepper too if you dont want the double heat. I do the same rub as you though half the time. Other half is just straight SPG mix. Scoring the fat on fat cap made a difference for me too.
  13. My fool proof 3 step method...
  14. Federal HST and Speer Gold Dot are my favorite. There is a guy on youtube who did extensive testing on a slew of hollow points to FBI standards. Tested in both long and short barrel guns. At this time I only carry Federal HST just because I can easily get it locally. Practice ammo I buy 500-1000 at a time when deals spring up or just when needed. Ammoseek.com makes life easy for hunting down ammo. Anyone have hands on with the new S&W Bodyguard 2.0? Briefly held one and have been thinking of picking one up as a really slim option for dressier/slimmer attire when I really need it. EDIT: saw what a squib round does to a bolt gun in person. Was at a match where majority of people hand load their rounds and he must have short charged it or primer only but it only made it partially through the barrel. No one must have noticed the pressure blow out the pressure ports of the action and the next round peeled the barrel like a banana.
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