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Everything posted by gunsinger

  1. My wife is so honest....she once bought a b'day cake at the local Walmart. She gets to the register and, you guessed it, no price on it. The lady said just go on an take it. So she gets out to the car and is racked with guild. She carries the cake back in to the bakery and explains what happened. There, they slap a tag on it and she goes back to the front an pay. Another time, while checking out of a cosmetic store, she finds one of those money envelopes that the bank gives you when you make a withdrawal. It had almost $1k in hundred dollar bills. She could have kept it but, instead, she turned it over to the store staff to hold in case whoever lost it came looking. My kids were looking at her like she'd just escaped from the looney bin but, it was the right thing to do.
  2. @Randy Price I know it can be difficult selling things you no longer want or need. All the thought that has to go into what to sell ... what to keep. And how much do you charge for your treasures? So, in the interest of saving you all that grief, I would be willing to let you just ship all that unwanted firearms and fishing gear to me and I'll see to it that it gets to a good home. And I won't even charge you for the service.? ?
  3. What about having to go out side and turn the antenna till your dad said reception was better? Or having to stand by the TV holding the rabbit ears? Or using a hanger for an antenna? Or being able to go down to the store and buy your dad a pack of smoke? And you'd get the candy cigarettes so you could be cool. Rollin' up in your sleeve. Shakey's Pizza when I lived in the Omaha/Council Bluffs area with the player piano and watching them make the pizza with your nose pressed up to the glass. Pumping water from the well with a hand pump. Being able to stay out and play till the street lights came on without fear of some pervert snatching you up. Using your imagination to play. Oh, and crossing the prairie on a covered wagon.... (Okay, that one's a slight exaggeration) ?
  4. I get to fish with my brother now and then. It's a special trip. Sorry for your loss.
  5. He will be missed. One funny dude.
  6. Yeah, I've been in a boat where a novice fisherman (or woman) was catching things when I wasn't. In fact, I was once that fisherman. A friend took me out on the Connecticut River (I think) when I was stationed at Ft. Devens, MA (30 +/- miles west of Boston). Anyway, I threw a craw colored crankbait towards this huge bolder in the river. I over casted and the bait went beyond the rock. It was semi-hung and I popped the line to try and get it back. It came flying back over the rock and hit the water about 20' behind me. By now, the line is all wrapped around my hat and it takes me a while to get it unraveled. I finally start reeling in all the loose line and, lo and behold, there's a fish on the other end. It was my PB smallie at 3lb's. I did absolutely nothing right to catch her. My fishing partner, who was teaching me how to fish, just looked at me and shook his head in disgust (as he was skunked at that point).
  7. Same as above. I'm really not looking at structure or depth (other than hunting bait balls). Wherever I see baitfish schooling is where I am going to fish. Feeding birds are a great indicator for me.
  8. I was at work when the reports started coming in. At first I though, this has to be fake. It was a sobering time.
  9. I fish a private lake about 95 acres. The lake rules specify to take anything less than 13" while releasing anything 14" or above. Supposedly, that's the promote a large bass fishery.
  10. I'd never heard of them before you asked this question. It's an interesting idea that may be worth exploring when the cost isn't so high. $2.50 a treble seems a tad expensive.
  11. My philosophy is that you miss 100% of the fish you don't set the hook on. And if I'm fishing TR or Tokyo Rig, I set the hook as hard as I can. WR is a bit lighter...more of a sweeping upwards while CR is a side sweep. How hard I set the hook is dependent up on how stout the hook is.
  12. I recently went through a stretch where my leader was breaking at the knot on hookset. I began to wonder if maybe the leader was just too old as I’d never had issues with knot breakage before. I ended up dumping the leader and just going straight braid.
  13. I’ve tried to do it nut my hands aren’t the right size to do it comfortably. But, I am a line watcher.
  14. Jerkbait Rattletrap Topwater
  15. For me, the Tokyo Rig with Fire-n-Ice has become my confidence bait (at least during the summer). I like the Watermelon/red flake on a wacky rig during pre-spawn, spawn, and post spawn (before the weeds/grass start getting thick). I like a jerkbait and rattle trap in the fall. The Chatterbait is moving up my list as of late.
  16. Was off on Friday so I took advantage of the time to hit the lake. The fishing was a bit slow but I ended up with 12 LM. I was scared for a moment that I was returning to Dinkfest 2021 as my first two were 1 pounders and the next 9 were outright dinks. I was saved from the time portal vortex to Dinkfest at the end of the day when I caught the 2.66 lb bass below. Spent all day Saturday on show choir support, grand daughter's birthday and dinner so I didn't get out. Did manage to get out on Sunday after 4pm as the back of the boat fisherman. Was living in Skunksville until i finally snagged this 3.76 lb on a Tokyo rigged 7.5" Culprit Fire-n-Ice. I think the only reason i caught him was because he appears to be blind in one eye. If you zoom in, you'll see what I mean. JR
  17. I need more friends like that. Congrats….on the the gift and the nuptials.
  18. A watermark is a nearly transparent image overplayed on the picture. Professional photographers will do that to “mark” the image as their work.
  19. I try to go at least once every weekend. My wife's attitude is, "We spent too much for that boat to sit in the driveway."
  20. OUTStanding work. Keep it up.
  21. Beautiful fish.
  22. I use Norman Speed Clips for Cranks/jerkbaits/lipless
  23. Well, good news and bad news from my Labor Day fishing effort. The bad news? Yet again I lost what could have been a PB. Chatterbait in shallow water and the strike as massive. She came up out of the water and, for some stupid reason, I felt compelled to reset the hook. When will I learn? How many big fish must I lose before I remember not to panic and just keep tension in the line? Oh well, we will meet again someday. On the good news front, Dinkfest 2021 is over for me … at least for now. In the last two weeks, I was catching fish, but nothing that measured. Today was a different story. 9 fish total with only one dink. 8 were over a pound. Of those 8, 4 were over 2 lbs and 1 was over 3 lbs. Not long but fat as a football!
  24. Dinkfest. That’s the place I’ve been for the last couple of weeks. Nothing picture worthy. 7 yesterday and the longest MAY have reached 12” if I stretched him.
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