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Everything posted by gunsinger

  1. I wondered if the line size might be a big factor. The rod/reel setup i'm comparing to only has 20lb braid. It's an Abu Garcia on a Berkley Cherrywood 7' MH rod. Thanks to all for the feedback.
  2. The other rods are not Aird-X. Swapping the reel to another rod would be a good test. Thanks for the feedback. You've given me a lot to check. I did not oil the brake ring. Should I have? And by brake ring, do you mean the part in the left side fo the real you remove to adjust the brake? According to YouTube, you are right. My reel doesn't have an external dial. You have to open the left side and flip the brakes up or down. Up is off and down is on. I think I have that backwards so i'll look at adjusting that.
  3. I have a Shimano Caius 150HD on a Daiwa 7' AIXD MHF rod and am struggling to understand why the casting distance seems limited compared to similar setups. It's spooled with 30lb spiderwire with a 3' 15lb FC leader. It is used for Tokyo and Texas rigged soft plastics with a variety of weights and worms. Even with the heaviest worm/weight combo, my casting distance is a good 10' - 20' less than similarly rigged reels. I cleaned and lubed it over the weekend and gained a few feet but I'm still no where near what I would expect it to be. I have the cast control knob backed way off and the brakes are at a minimum (assuming up is on and down is off). Do y'all think this is something in the setup? Or are these reels known to have shorter casting distance. Is the line too much for the reel?
  4. Apologies for any misinformation. My statement was based on what I’d read on other forums. I’ll have to look into how to adjust chart speed on my Hook 2 Tripleshot.
  5. It’s possible that toggling that setting cleared a corrupted cache file.
  6. I truly enjoy it.
  7. I could tell you but then I’d have to hunt you down and sh…..well, never mind, you’ll probably die laughing. So, first you gotta know that this is my first bass boat so I don’t have a great deal of experience driving one. Second, the lake I fish is electric only. So, when I load the boat, I usually do so with the TM … getting running start and pulling the TM just before getting to the trailer and gliding on in. One Saturday I decided I needed to practice loading using the big motor, you know, like a real boater. So, I crank it up and start my approach. I’m doing pretty well coming in … just slightly off center. As I’m gliding in, I hear this horrible noise. I’m like, “What the heck, I have never heard anything like that before.” I’m thinking maybe I was too far left and ran up on the fender well or something. Anyways, the boat straightened out and I gave it a little throttle and eased her forward but, for some unknown reason, it won’t go up. I back her up and try again, still no luck. As I’m sitting there trying to figure out what could be wrong, I look down and it hits me. Now I know what that horrible noise was. As you’ve no doubt guessed by now, because I’m so used to pulling the TM when I glide up, I totally forgot to pull it. The noise was the transducer and the TM waging war with the trailer and losing. The transducer snapped and the skeg on the TM was bent at a 45 degree angle. The latter was fix with a big hammer. Expensive lesson learned. Suffice it to say I won’t forget that again.
  8. At the end of the day, I replaced the transducer. Though it seemed stoutly glued, it didn’t survive being in the water.
  9. I don’t think SI will be of much value in a kayak. The best SI results come at speeds of 2-5 mph. At least that’s been my experience.
  10. Remember, a pun is not really funny until it's full GROAN!
  11. Not sure you could have done anything if you couldn't reach the fish. I had something similar happen where I set the hook on one and my leader snapped. I re-tied and kept fishing. Moments later, I noticed a fish coming to the surface and shaking her head. After the second or third time, I could see my worm on the side of her mouth. I don't know if she ever threw the worm or the hook with 3' - 4' of line or not and she wouldn't come up near the boat so I could try to net her and remove it.
  12. Perhaps an air rifle is in order? Sit and wait for one to come up out of the water and blast him. Of course, be very aware of what's down range.
  13. Dad, what’s a forklift? Food usually.
  14. You must be filling a mighty big tank ?
  15. Wow. That’s impressive. And made from scratch I’ll wager.
  16. I'm very selective about the ones I enter. Some are just email address harvesters. I used to enter a lot of gun giveaways. Next thing you know, that email address was inundated with porn/dating emails.
  17. What do you call a typo on a headstone? A GRAVE mistake.
  18. Good info. Thanks for taking the time to post.
  19. Car wax or special marine wax?
  20. For you aluminum boat owners, do you wax the hull? If so, what type of wax do you use? Paste? Liquid? Do you wax the entire hull or just below the water line?
  21. And don't forget a quality circuit breaker at the batteries. Do you have an onboard charger? If so, does it support 3 banks?
  22. @Team9nine you say love/hate relationship, i say EXTREME JEALOUS relationship. One of my fishing buddies has it and he out catches me every time 3 or 4 to 1. I'd say 75% of his bass are livescope bass. Me, I'm just casting blind. I want it, but I don't want the $3k price tag.
  23. Shoulda kissed it. Might have turned into a princess. ?
  24. In a similar vein, I wonder about regular worms vs finesse worms. Do you think that some days fish look at a regular worm and think, “That looks tempting but I just ate a whole blue Gill. I think I better pas…oh wait, is that a finesse worm? Well I guess one little bite won’t hurt!”
  25. Prop me up beside the jukebox if I die…..
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