I could tell you but then I’d have to hunt you down and sh…..well, never mind, you’ll probably die laughing.
So, first you gotta know that this is my first bass boat so I don’t have a great deal of experience driving one. Second, the lake I fish is electric only. So, when I load the boat, I usually do so with the TM … getting running start and pulling the TM just before getting to the trailer and gliding on in.
One Saturday I decided I needed to practice loading using the big motor, you know, like a real boater. So, I crank it up and start my approach. I’m doing pretty well coming in … just slightly off center. As I’m gliding in, I hear this horrible noise. I’m like, “What the heck, I have never heard anything like that before.” I’m thinking maybe I was too far left and ran up on the fender well or something. Anyways, the boat straightened out and I gave it a little throttle and eased her forward but, for some unknown reason, it won’t go up. I back her up and try again, still no luck.
As I’m sitting there trying to figure out what could be wrong, I look down and it hits me. Now I know what that horrible noise was. As you’ve no doubt guessed by now, because I’m so used to pulling the TM when I glide up, I totally forgot to pull it.
The noise was the transducer and the TM waging war with the trailer and losing. The transducer snapped and the skeg on the TM was bent at a 45 degree angle. The latter was fix with a big hammer.
Expensive lesson learned. Suffice it to say I won’t forget that again.