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Everything posted by gunsinger

  1. Took a friend out this am. I boated 10 from 1 - 3 lbs. he scored 3. This was only his second time to bass fish. This was his highlight of the day.
  2. Drivers who don’t know how to merge or go the speed limit or less in the left hand lane of a 4-lane highway.
  3. When I first got back into bass fishing a few years ago, I thought seriously about naming my boat "The Oneder" (pronounced wonder, not "o need er") because every trip to the lake, I was lucky to boat one fish. I would go out with others and they'd be tearing them up and I'd still catch one, maybe two on a good day. These days, if it get less that 5-6 I'm thinking there is something seriously wrong with the lake. Not bragging...just saying that it takes time to learn where and how to throw your bait. It takes even more time to develop that feel. I take a lot of guys out with me these days and I'll ring up 7-10 while they're catching one, if any. I truly believe they miss a lot of fish because they can't put the bait near the cover or, if they do, it sounds like a cannonball when it hits the water. But even more importantly, I am convinced that half the time they never feel the fish pick up the bait until it's too late so they miss the strike. Bottom line, just be patient, work on your technique (placement and touch), learn how to read the structure and never forget, the very next cast could produce your personal best.
  4. Not while fishing but once on a beach near Tampa, my daughter was the unfortunate recipient of some seagull luck. Caught her right in the neck. That cost me a piece of jewelry to make her feel better. ?
  5. This story emboldens me to tell my own sad tale. Saturday, after a good day of fishing, I tied up a the pier, brought down the truck/trailer and backed into the launch. When I climbed over the rail to get back into my boat to load up, i noticed some mud on my flip flop so I thought, "I don't want that in my boat so I'll just dip my foot in the water." I'd already untied from the pier so, before I could even think twice, the boat shot out from under my left foot as I did a mini-split trying to hold on. It was of no use though as I soon found myself in chest deep water. Of course there was a family fishing on the pier but the only thing hurt was my pride. Fortunately, there were no incriminating pictures. I did manage to hold on to the the boat's rope so I didn't have to go swimming after it.
  6. I had the same experience over the weekend fishing yum dingers. Never felt the...but saw the line moving, more often than not, towards me. Set the hook but it was too late. Fortunately, in each case, it was a bigger fish with room to manipulate the hook and disgorge it without bleeding or death to the fish.
  7. A good memorial day weekend of fishing for me. Caught 10 on Saturday and 10 more on Monday. Saturday yielded a 4lb, a 5lb and a 6lb. Most were caught on a black/blue Yumdinger rigged wacky. Monday started off with a 3lb on the 3rd cast and was followed up with a 5lb and a 6lb. She was my tenth and last fish of the day caught by the dam while waiting for the launch to clear so I could leave. She weighed in at 6.24lb's and was caught on a TR Junebug Yumdinger. All the rest each day were in the 1-2lb range with maybe one dink thrown in for good measure.
  8. I've had far too many bass jump/feed right beside my boat to think that the transducer impacts them. I've gone "silent" many times just to see and don't find that I catch more or less. TM noise, absolutely.
  9. A private lake in our sub-division. That's me at the front in the act of catching one. One of the ladies on the lake took the shot and posted it on the neighborhood FB page. My wife saw it and was like, "That's my husband!" This was a shot i took after a good day of fishing. Same lake.
  10. I scoffed at the use of them initially but, now I don't have a rod in my rod locker without one. Rods are too expensive. I leave the sleeve in the tube as I extract the rod. It makes inserting them back easier and I don't have to worry about where to store them.
  11. My 2020 Lowe Stinger 175 came with a matching spare.
  12. I'd have taken that same pic...from 20' away and zoomed.
  13. I predominately use BC but, like others, have a couple SP's setup, typically for lighter presentations, Ned rigs, and even for carolina rigs.
  14. That Aftco looks a lot like the duffle I use. Periodically renew my NRA membership when I can get a discounted rate and, as my "gift", I get the NRA duffle.
  15. JR for me....not junior, but the two letters together. Started in the army where I had to initial all my work and people just took to calling my by my initials. Now, most of my crew call me that. Won't get into what my wife calls me ?
  16. Yes. That’s the switch. I’ve ordered a replacement and some AW6 to replace the damaged wire. I plan to solder the tips on and use the marine grease recommended above. Thanks for all the feedback.
  17. So there I was, chasing schooling bass on a semi-windy day. Every now an again, I'd smell what seemed to be an electrical burn. I thought perhaps it was coming from someone's house until I saw the smoke coming from under the foot pedal. I took a closer look and the hot wire was melting. I found that if I kept the TM speed control at 3 or less, no smoke. At 4 it would start to smoke after about a minute. At max speed (5), it started smoking after about 30 seconds. My first thought was that, for some unknown reason, the motor was pulling more amps than the wire could handle. That may be the cause thought I cannot imagine why. I pulled the prop to check if there was excessive build up of fishing line or something. There was some line there but not so much that it inhibited the turn. Some have suggested that perhaps the hot lead was loose and cause the damage. I would welcome any input y'all can provide as to possible causes. I've ordered a replacement switch and will have to get some wire to splice in (soon as I figure out the gauge needed). But, I'm worried that I have deeper issues. This is the hot lead after it broke off of the switch. This is a MotorGuide x3, 45lb thrust, 12v system with 2 12v 92ah batteries wired in parallel. I have a 50 breaker on the hot line back in the battery compartment as well as an inline fuse. Anybody have any thoughts on what may have happened? TIA, JR
  18. My electronics are connected to my cranking battery. I’ve alway read they shouldn’t be connected to the TM battery but that could just be hearsay.
  19. I know what you’re going through @Hammer 4 prayers for you and your wife.
  20. I have 9 in the rod locker. 7 BC and 2 spinning. Some are there for guests and not used. Depending on what I’ve got in mind to try, I generally don’t pull out more than 4.
  21. Congrats on your PB. The must have been a epic battle.
  22. Congrats on the new PB. Nice fish.
  23. The knowledge available is incredible. The site moderators do an outstanding job. The content organization is head and shoulders above other forums I’ve visited. The members, for the most part, aren’t here to push an agenda. They’re here to learn or to teach. This is my bass fishing go to site.
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