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Everything posted by gunsinger

  1. Dowel with a cap on one end stuck into a hole on my shelf support. Maintain tension with a wet rag covering my thumb and index finger.
  2. That is a cool story. I've caught bass with hooks still in their mouth but never one that I put there.
  3. Best way to handle brussell sprouts IMO is to not buy them to begin with. ? But, if you have them, take them to the sink and carefully rinse them in cold water. Then as they're dripping to dry, let them fall into the disposal and flip the switch.
  4. I'm a box tosser. I've never sold a reel ... don't own any that are fancy enough that someone else would want them ?
  5. I recently tied my first successful FG knot. I saw no knot degradation and it held firm until I cut it off. And the only reason I cut it off was because I'd forgotten to push my bobber stop down to the bullet weight and it slide up above the knot and no force of nature would let it slide back over it. I'm not 100% sold on the need for a leader when worm fishing but I am sold on the FG.
  6. Young you can teach without preaching. Old, not so sure. I watched once as an older gent was fishing a wacky worm in shallow water. I saw the fish approach his bait, then I saw the line moving to the side. I kept trying to gently tell him, "Set the hook, set the hook." But all he did was crank the handle a few turns. Eventually, the fish spit the bait. The only time he catches fish is when we're moving and he's trolling a bait behind the boat. I have been the skunkee before and could NOT fathom why the guy in the front of the boat was killing 'em while I got zilch. Nothing he could tell me helped. But, somewhere along the line I developed that feel that said, "Fish on." Other than staying after it, I don't know how you can learn it and, until then, all you can do is discuss tactics, presentation, and process. It's okay to preach patience.
  7. My wife and I recently went to Maui. I truly felt I was in a foreign country. The weather was great and the landscape amazing. But the people (outside of those in the tourism industry), well let’s say they don’t know much about southern hospitality. Regardless, we would go again if the flight wasn’t so long.
  8. @ol'crickety Those are 3 nice bass.
  9. Saturday was one of those magical days. While waiting for my expected fishing buddy, I made a few casts with my TR stick bait. On the 3rd cast I snagged a 4.5 LM. My next catch was a 3+. My next was another 4 lb’er. I was on a roll. My 4th fish was this 23” beauty who weighed in at 5.9 lbs. I was thinking, “This can’t last.” And it didn’t. Mr next catch was a 12” dink ? I wound the day up with a couple of 2 lb fatties.
  10. The dingers do fall slow. I only throw then non-weighted wacky over weed beds. Weighted wacky just gets buried in the slop. I’ve had good success lately on the strike king stick bait, weighted TR.
  11. I've been killin' it lately with black/blue in stained water. Made the change because they were completely ignoring my watermelon/red flake go to yum dinger.
  12. I've got a buddy who fishes with Livescope. He's only had it about a year or so but he was able to target fish fairly quickly. I've actually watched him ID a fish and drop the lure right on his head. Sometimes I wish I had it. Other times it just seems like video game fishing. As a weekend angler, I don't see it in my future unless I hit the lottery. Which reminds me......
  13. It depends on how much time I have. If I'm in a rush, it's gas grill. If I've got time, I prefer charcoal. As of late, I've taken to putting a black frying pan on the grill and cooking the burgers in that. Why? No grate clean up ?. Yes, I'm lazy.
  14. I usually fish alone but, as often as he is able, I take my friend Dan. Dan is a few years older than me and a Vietnam vet. He served over 30 years and has severe PTSD and other health issues. His absolute favorite thing to do is fish but his health no longer supports him fishing alone. As a vet myself, I consider it a privilege to spend time on the water with him.
  15. No awesomeness here.
  16. Busted a myth today. Launched my boat and invited a complete stranger, who was fishin’ off the pier, to join me. Make the first cast of my day to one of the piling sand set the hook on a 3lb LM. Didn’t have a bump for the next hour and thought, “They say it’s bad ouch to catch one on the first cast!” But, bad luck or not, I kept at it and boated over 15, including a 4.5 lb and a 6 lb. And the stranger I took along added 4 to the pot including his own 21.5”, 6 lb’er. So much for the myth.
  17. Fluoro is less bouyant. Helps get the crankbaits down. I only use braid on topwater baits, worms, jigs, and frogs.
  18. Nice catch. He should be hooked for life.
  19. Never heard of it until I saw it in another post. I'm typically a palomar knot guy. I'd be curious about the strength comparison.
  20. Congrats on the PB. Beautiful fish and a fantastic day.
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