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Everything posted by gunsinger

  1. I know when they fertilize the lake I fish at, the bite dies off for a couple of days at least.
  2. Thanks. From your lips (or keyboard) to God's ears ?
  3. What braid do you recommend for worm fishing? Brand, color, lbs?
  4. Gamamatsu 3/0 EWG hooks. sliding lead bullet weight, 3/16 15lb flourocarbon, Seaguar red label culprit 6” curly tail worm, barely skin hooked When I retrieved the bait it was free of the hook with the top of the worm still on the eye of the hook. I was about 15’ from the exposed structure when I felt the telltale thump. I waited for a second thump as I reeled down leaving just a little slack. When the second thump came I set as hard as I could. I kept steady pressure and got her out from under the log. She started swimming to the right and coming to the surface. That’s when I saw her. I just said, “Oh my God!” That where I made my mistake. When I saw how big she was, I dropped my rod tip slightly and set the hook again. I think that brief slack allowed her to spit the hook. I should have just kept tension on the line and took my chances. All I could think was, “I don’t want to lose this one.” And proceeded to forget everything I ever knew about landing a fish. Thanks for the questions and feedback @WRB
  5. Thanks to all who responded. You make a lot of excellent points. My biggest worry was that the 3/0 was just too small to get good penetration on a bigger fish. But, I think this may have just been one of those things that happen. I feel a lot better about my equipment based on y'all's feedback. I appreciate the wealth of knowledge and your willingness to share.
  6. Yes, I skin hook the worm....just barely. The hook was new though I didn't take Glenn's advice and sharpen it ?
  7. They are not. It's like it just doesn't penetrate enough. I hooked and caught 7 others yesterday and the same setup. Now, I will admit, when I saw how big this girl was my eyes got big and my level of excitement escalated so I cannot say I didn't do anything different from what I normally do. I probably tried too hard to overpower her. If I'd have just played it cool...no big deal....maybe the result would have been different. Oh I absolutely will. ? It was a 6" Culprit Fire 'n Ice worm on a 3/0 EWG hook. I think I probably double set out of fear. I never do that on smaller fish.
  8. Twice in the last month, I've hooked what would have been my personal best fishing a TR worm on a 3/0 Gamakatsu hook. Twice the hook has simply pulled out of their mouth while swimming away from me. Now the first one, I thought was my fault as the hook set could have been stronger. I saw that fish just as it got off and I would estimate it about 7-8 lbs. But on yesterday's fish, which was absolutely the biggest fresh water fish I've ever seen, I swung for the fences on the hook set and just knew I had her good. I would not be surprised if she wasn't a double. I am using a 7', med heavy - fast Daiwa Arid rod with a Lews 7:1 baitcasting reel. So, is it my technique? Should i be double setting the hook? Are my hooks are too small? Or do the fishing gods just not like me? Any thoughts on how to improve my catch ratio on bigger bass?
  9. It’s on my property. I was parking under a lean-to on side of my shop but had to go through the yard to get there. When it rained, if I tried to get the boat out (or park it), I’d leave ruts in the grass. So, we poured a pad behind the shop with a driveway going up to it. It’s too close to the property line to do another lean-to, so I bought a boat cover for it.
  10. May your day be blessed. Let freedom ring.
  11. I realized something today that helped me out a lot so I’ll share it, though I’m sure most of you already know this. But, for the less experienced readers in the group, here goes… Historically, I’ve gone through a lot of worms when TR’ing, especially when panfish (or bass) grab the tail and never get the hook. I’d rip the lips and come back with an empty hook. But, even on a good bass bite, my worm was pretty well destroyed meaning one fish, one worm. Sometimes I could nip the head off and reuse the shortened worm but not always. Today, I realized my mistake. I simply wasn’t running the point of the hook far enough into the head of the worm before turning it out. I was only going about half the depth of the barb side before bringing it out of the worm which left only a small part of the worm at the eye. This morning, I started keeping the point of the hook in the worm until I reached the bend of the hook. The difference was amazing. I think I might have gone through 3 worms in 11 bass. I’ve watched videos on TR’ing and never picked up on this subtle difference but it was a difference maker for me. YMMV.
  12. Well, I am stuck in a rut. 11 bass yesterday and 11 bass today. Biggest yesterday was over 2 lb. Biggest two today 2.06 & 2.12. My 11th fish yesterday was a 6” dink; my 11th fish today? Also a 6”….Blue gill who ate my TR worm.
  13. I have a Lowe Stinger 175C. It was pretty much ready to go on day one when I picked it up. My only regret is the TM. It seems underpowered. Also, it lacked electronics on the bow.
  14. Congrats. Hope you get to feeling better.
  15. Got out for a few hours. Caught 11. Most were in the 1 lb range. Best of the day was caught on a TR worm and was around 2 lbs. The saddest of the day was caught on a jerk bait and was about 1” longer that the bait. ?
  16. That is the question. So, I recently had relocate my boat to an uncovered area. I bought a boat cover for it but, my question is this. You’ve been fishing all day and, at the end of the day, the bottom drops out. Your boat carpet is soaked. You anticipate more rain coming. Do you put on the boat cover with the boat wet? Or do you ride it out until the rains quit and the boat has had a chance to dry in the sun? Is mildew a concern in this case if you cover it wet? Also, do you put on the boat cover very time? Or only when it’s going to sit idle for an extended period of time. Let’s just say I miss my lean to that I used to back it under.
  17. TBH @Smells like fish I don’t own a prop bait but if I were buying, I’d lean towards the chrome bulk back as the lake I fish has a lot of shad in it. My second choice would be the green bulk back. YMMV.
  18. I'd love to upgrade to a TM with Spot Lock but there's so much expense when upgrading from a 12v system. First the cost of the TM, then all new batteries, a new onboard charger and, possibly re-wired. Common powerball.
  19. @Smells like fish https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/search-tackle.html?start=0&count=30&prevsearch=devo&searchtext=devil's+horse
  20. For me, it depends on the bait. I use Norman Speed Clips for my CB & topwater but tie everything else.
  21. Wow. I can't even begin to imagine what that was like.
  22. I bought my Lowe Stinger 175c a year ago Memorial Day as a first time boater. What I would have done differently is insisted on a minimum of 24v 70lb thrust TM, ideally with spot lock. The boat came with a Lowrance Hook2 4" in the console ... which for what I fish was fine but totally useless at the front of the boat. So, I would look at some quality electronics at the bow, the best you can afford. Livescope is the bomb....I wish i had it. But, at a minimum, get a 7" or 9" graph with DI and sonar up front. I replaced the aft rachet straps with boat buckles. Talk about a major difference in the load and unload.
  23. I thought I had a broken bait caster because every time I set the hook, the spool would spin freely. Turns out, I was thumbing thumb bar on the hook set. I learned quickly put my thumb somewhere else. I figured it out after buying a new reel and, much to my chagrin, it was broke the same exact way.
  24. I just picked up an accu-cull. Liking it so far.
  25. A year ago, I took my SIL fishing on our local lake. It was a grind for me as I MAY have caught 1 fish while he was yanking them out of the water. Last Saturday we went out and I caught 25+ to his 15. What changed? Nothing but a year's worth of experience. I got better at placing the bait (typically a TR worm) closer to the cover and I got better at recognizing where my best chance of catching a fish was located. Just as important, i've learned to feel the bass on the line and watch my line for unusual activity....movement I didn't create. When in doubt, set the hook. Remember....you miss 100% of the fish you don't set the hook on. I would encourage you to watch some of the videos on this forum. I've learned a heck of a lot from them and I wouldn't be surprised if there aren't some on bank fishing.
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