My house was hosting the show choir seniors meeting last night; 20 boys and girls plus the directors. It was made clear that I needed to make myself scarce. It was a bit rainy off and on (no lightning) so I figured fishing was a better use of my time than hiding in my bedroom. The show choir director's husband agreed so, off we went. We got in a couple of hours and only caught 5 between us. This was the last, and best, fish of the night.
Sadly, it was so dark by this time, I could not see the line movement and never felt him so he ended up taking the boat ride home to his new resting place in my freezer. His passing was odd though. Despite being hooked deep, i was able to successfully extract the hook without bloodshed or obvious damage to his gills. But, by the time I put him back into the water, he was a floater. I didn't think I kept him out too long but maybe I did, which begs the question, how long is too long for a fish to be out of the water?